Finding Out

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Hey there! So, one comment by KittyCat16 just wouldn't leave me alone. This story is finished, but it still plays in the same AU and Timeline, so you could say this One-Shot is also a late chapter? Anyways, here we go!

Virgil had dozed off for a few seconds, which where actually half an hour, before he got woken up violently by a scream. His head shot up and his headphones fell to the ground, next to Logan's book. The man seemed to have been very startled as well.

Quickly looking around, Virgil searches for the source of the scream, his heart roughly beating in his chest. He could feel every beat.

Everyone except Roman and Remus where outside of the lake.
Remus had his hands on top of Romans head, his twin holding his wrists. It seemed like Remus was planning on drowning Roman. But Roman wouldn't scream so loud and shocked about that. They weren't the source of the scream. In fact, they looked just as shocked as he felt.

Janus was laying on the ground, letting the sun dry him. He looked in the same direction the others did, wide eyed. Virgil finally followed all their gazes, eyes landing on Patton. As if directed, Logan, Virgil and Janus all stood up. Remus and Roman had almost reached the land by now. All five made their way towards Patton, wanting to help and calm the usually happy side down. Virgil was the first one to stop.

His eyes widened when he saw the cause of Pattons distress. A dark red-ish, crusty puddle and a shiny object. Janus was the next to notice and instantly looked over to Virgil.

By now, the twins have arrived and while Roman went over to Patton, Remus has noticed, too. He quickly made his way over to Virgil, hugging him tightly. Janus laid a hand onto the boys shoulder, noticing how he was shivering, sweat slowly dripping from his forehead.

Logan, Roman and Patton were all staring at the reddish puddle and in the end, it was Roman who spoke what they all knew.


"What happened here?!", Patton sobbed, making Virgil flinch. Thinking back, he was glad Remus and Janus saved him. He was happy to have his Happily Ever After, But he never thought he'd have to deal with any more consequences.

"Better yet, who's blood is it?", Logan asked, looking around. His gaze quickly focused on the shivering and sweating Virgil.

"Virgil, are you alright?"

This got Romans and Pattons attention.

"I-I...", Virgil couldn't physically force himself to say anymore.

Surprisingly, it was Patton who put the pieces together.

"Kiddo... I-is that... yours..?"

Virgil only whimpered slightly, which basically answered the Question. The three remaining sides wasted no time and hugged the youngest trait.

The six sides just stood there in silence until Virgil eventually stopped sweating and started taking deep, regular breaths.

They didn't want to ask. They didn't want to pry. But this was serious and important. They had to.

"Why..?", Roman asked. But in reality, they all already knew the answer. But they needed to hear it. From him.

Virgil took a deep breath to calm his nerves and exhaled it shakily.
"I...", his voice was quiet, but since everyone was standing so close, they could hear him perfectly.
"When I... before-" He took another deep breath.
"Back before this all happened... how I lived... it- it all just... hurt so much... and I-"

Patton calmly laid a hand on Virgil's other shoulder, even though he himself was screaming inside. But the gesture worked and reassured Virgil a little.

"Back when you... treated me like that I... it really hurt and I... I think it really took a toll on me and I... the night you didn't allow me to go out, I kinda...sneaked out. And found this lake. It was so calming... the only think that made me happy, I think. I came here almost every night. And since it made me so happy I thought... it would be a great place to fall asleep... I just- couldn't take it anymore and..."

Virgil looked over at the long dried puddle of his blood.

"I probably wouldn't have woken up if it wasn't for Remus... Thinking back I'm... glad that he stalked me..."

The three sides that didn't knew the story where all close to tears. Well, Logan was close, Patton was crying like a waterfall and Roman kept swiping over his eyes.

"But it's in the past. I-I'm better now. Thanks to all of you", Virgil said with a small, unsure smile. And they all knew to trust Virgil on this one. But none the less, they made sure to show Virgil all the kindness and love he deserved and so much more.

Logan and Roman knew they fucked up back then and it only got brought back and punched into their faces now. And both of them hoped to somehow make it up in the future.

"Can we go home..? I'm tired..."

"Sure we can, kiddo", Patton smiles weakly. This shock had taken a toll on most of them.

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