Pilot 1/1

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"Y/N, are you sure you don't want to go?" Your mother stood in the doorway of your bedroom.

"Mom, you know I'm more of a sit at home in PJ's to watch a movie kinda gal." You gave her a weak smile. She looked nice, her hair perfectly done, and her pearl necklace matching her dress.

"Well Bruce is going." She had a sadness mixed with a hint of anger in her voice.

"And I'm sure Bruce will love the movie." You got off the edge of your bed, your bare feet touching the cold floor. You pulled her into a hug. "You can't force me anymore." You whispered into her hair. "I'm almost an adult."

She pulled away from your embrace planting a kiss on your forehead. "I know darling, just try not to give Alfred too much of a hard time while we're gone."

"Just a little?" You giggled and she hugged you again, slightly tighter than before.

"Be good y/n, we love you." You thought that was a strange comment to make, but before you could ask Bruce came into view. Boy he was getting tall.

"You're not coming with?" He looked up at you, even though he was only a few inches shorter than you.

"Not this time Brucie." You messed up his hair and he laughed trying to fix it.

You leaned down to give him a hug too. "Enjoy the movie Bruce, it's got quiet the hero."

"Run off to the car now Bruce." Your father came into view now.

Bruce gave you a wide smile before running down the hallway towards the front door.

"Be good y/n." Your father gave you a hug, something he never did.

"Hey." You backed away, "what's going on here?" You asked through a confused smile.

"We just love you darling." Your mother spoke, kissing your forehead again before leaving down the hallway.

You gently closed your bedroom door. "Strange." You thought aloud walking back over to your bed.

You grabbed the TV remote from your bedside table and turned the channel to your current favorite show, there was a new episode starting tonight anyhow.

Time skip a few hours

You woke up to Alfred shaking your shoulder.

"Y/n, Y/N!" He began to sound frantic.

You woke up groggy. "What is it Alfred?" You looked over at your TV which was still on but playing some sort of cop show now, you must have fallen asleep watching your show.

"Y/n, you need to trust me. Get dressed, we need to go." He sounded frantic. "And please, look nice, the press will be there. I'll explain once you're in the car." He left in a hurry.

You dragged yourself out of bed looking at your full length mirror. You hated when you had to look nice for the public, usually you would just slip on a dark hoodie and some old jeans and sneak out to at least get a taste of being a normal teenager in Gotham. But every now and then you had to actually look nice.

You picked out a knee length dress that was f/c it was nice enough for whoever was out at this time of night. You pulled on a matching pair of flats and grabbed a nice jacket in your way out the door.

You hoped in the passenger seat of the car. "Alfred what's going on?" You were in the middle of tying your long blonde hair back into a neat bun. (Don't worry your appearance will change to what you actually look like soon.)

"Miss. Wayne, I'm sorry to be the one to tell you." He took a deep breath. "But your parents have been murdered."

Your stare hardened. And you felt tears well up in your eyes. "That's not funny Alfred."

"Miss. Wayne, when have I ever made a joke?" He gave you a soft look as he drove out the front gates.

You started to tremble as he drove.

Time skip

You got out of the car quickly. The first thing you saw was your parents bodies in the ground surrounded by a pool of blood covered in dark sheets. You immediately looked away, and saw Bruce sitting talking with an officer.

"Bruce!" You yelled running towards him. He looked up and ran to you.

You held him in a tight hug for a long while

You have to be strong for him

The officer from before came up to you and you let go of Bruce. He held out his hand and you tried your best to maintain composure.

"Detective James Gordon. I'm sorry for your loss." You shook his hand.

"Y/n Wayne, thank you Detective." He gave you a nod and you wrapped your arm around your younger brothers like you usually did when entering some big event and led him back to the car. "Chin up, don't let them see you cry."

You both sat in the back in silent tears as Alfred drove back to the Manor.

Time skip

"He promised he would find him." Bruce looked up at you sitting on the couch next to him. "Detective Gordon I mean."

"He seems like a good man." You nodded.

It had been two days since your parents murder and Bruce had changed.

Time skip two weeks

Jim Gordon has found the bastard that killed your parents. And today was your 18th birthday. You didn't want to celebrate, but Bruce and Alfred insisted.

"Y/N WAKE UP!" Bruce was trying to shake you awake. You had snuck out the night before and didn't come back until it was pretty late, so you slept in quit a bit.

"Hmm? What is it Bruce?" You rubbed the sleep from your eyes.

"It's your birthday!" He sounded genuinely excited, you decided to play along for his sake. Maybe it would get his mind off what he had been doing in the study lately.

"I guess it is." You slid out from your bed wearing a large T-shirt and baggy sweat pants.

"Come on! Me and Alfred have a surprise for you." He hurried out of your room.

"You remember the deal right?" You called after him. Years ago you made a deal not to get each other a gift for birthdays and holidays, it was just the kind of thing that rich kids with everything wanted.

You walked into the dining room/ kitchen to see a small neatly wrapped box on the table. Alfred stood in the kitchen making your favorite breakfast.

"Bruce." You said raising an eyebrow.

"I know we made a deal not to give each other gifts. But I know as the first male child I inherit almost everything, and I know you've told me you don't care but I had to do it." He gave you a weak smile.

The top families in Gotham were VERY traditional, the first male child would get the Business, Manor, pretty much everything. But you wanted a normal life so you didn't exactly care.

"Bruce, I'm confused." You poured yourself a cup of coffee.

"Please, y/n, sit." He was turning into quite the young man.

You set your mug down and sat across the table from him. He gave you a smile and nudged the small box closer to you.

You unwrapped the beautiful silver wrapping and opened the lid. Inside sat a key.

"Bruce no, I can't."

"It was mother's. She never used it so it's in wonderful condition, I even had a mechanic come and take a look at it. She would want you to have it." He kept his smile.

You just held the small car key in the palm of your hand.

"Thank you Bruce." A small tear fell from your eye.

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