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"We often have magicians to entertain the children, but tonight we have one to entertain all of you." Lee spoke while on stage introducing the man you had met backstage.

He came out with a very beautiful assistant and did some warm up tricks. You stood by Bruce towards the back along with Alfred.

"For my next act, I shall require a volunteer!" He started to search the audience. "Duck duck duck, duck duck duck. Goose!" He pointed towards Bruce and a spotlight shined on him.

The assistant came down to greet him before taking him up to the stage.

He did the traditional act where he saws the person in half. Alfred was worried though, even tried to stop it.

"Some people say Bruce has a split personality." The audience gave out a quick laugh. "For my next act......" you started to zone out a bit.

You were snapped out of your thoughts when guns started to go off. You looked up to see his newest volunteer with a knife in his chest before he fell to the floor dead.

You stood there shocked. You watched the chaos around you unable to hear it. You saw Bruce get dragged behind a curtain, and Lee tied to the large wheel in the stage. And you saw Jerome pull off the fake beard.

You saw him stalk towards you, but you couldn't move. You couldn't even react. You simply went limp in his arms as he picked you up bridal style carrying you back towards the stage.

You showed no emotion as he gently sat you down on the ground tying your hands above your head to a cold metal pole.

Eventually you looked up to see Barbra standing behind Jerome as he held a knife to his throat.

It was like all the trauma from watching the buss burn, and being kidnapped, and then finding out about Fish's death hit you all at once. One large tidal wave of tears and screams that you couldn't even hear.

Jerome only glanced at you when he heard your screams, but it was enough time for Galavan to get up and stab him in the throat.

Jerome fell to the floor with a smile, and he looked deep into your eyes as he bled out.

It was as if all the pain you had experience in the last two years flowed away with the blood draining from his throat. And you felt numb.

Jim was the one who released you from the pole, and helped you stand.

All at once your senses came back, your ears hurt from the noise around you, and you felt dizzy.

Jim caught you when you eventually fell. The last thing you saw before everything around you went dark was Jerome's smiling corps, his green eyes slowly fading away into pale blue orbs.

Time skip

You heard movement around you and slowly opened your eyes, your eye lids feeling heavy. You looked around the room, your vision blurry.

"W-where am I?" You mumbled out trying to sit up. Immediately your head started to spin.

"Alright Miss. Wayne, I really think you should lie down." He was tall with dark hair, his glasses had dark rims.

"Who are you?" You allowed him to help you lay back down.

"Oh, I'm Edward Nygma. Lee asked me to keep an eye on you while she was out." He seemed skittish.

"What happened?"

"I believe you went into shock at that party, and eventually passed out. An older gentleman asked Lee to take care of you instead of going to the hospital, so here you are."

"Yeah, that sounds like him." You rubbed your eyes, letting them get adjusted to the room.

Lee walked into the room with Bruce but you noticed Alfred stayed out in the hallway.

"It's good you're awake y/n, I hope Nygma didn't cause too much trouble." She chuckled at the tall man who sat at the desk against the far wall.

"None what's so ever. But am I okay to leave yet?" You tried sitting back up, this time with more success.

"I'm afraid I need to run a few more tests, but you should be okay to leave in a few hours." You gave her a weak smile.

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