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About a week had past since the incident, and you were finally going home.

"Miss. Y/n," Alfred started slightly saddened. "If you ever feel the need to come home, you don't even need to knock."

"Thanks Alfred, but it's time to move on a bit." You gave him a small hug before turning to Bruce. He was about the same height as you now, maybe even slightly taller. "Be good Bruce."

"Always am." He gave you a weak smile as you pulled him into a tight hug.

"And be careful of that Galavan girl." You whispered. "I'm not sure I trust her completely."

"Y/n, I'll be fine." He whispered back letting go of the hug.

You nodded before getting back into your car, off to go see a certain little bird.

Time skip

You pulled into the damp ally behind the club, stepping in there were a few more people than last time, but then you saw him. Sitting down at a table talking to someone you didn't quiet recognize.

You had decided about a week ago that you still needed powerful friends, and if Penguin took Fish's spot after her boat was attacked, so be it. You could look past his hatred of your second mother if it meant being even slightly safer.

You waited for the person to leave before you took their old seat.

"How ya doin Ozzie?" You smiled sitting down. "Long time no see old friend."

"Awe y/n I assume you're here to discus Theo Galavan." He commented.

"How the Hell did you know?" You turned to the bar tender. "Whiskey, best ya got." You said as he quickly got a bottle from under the counter.

"Not that crap, this is y/n Wayne, get the really good stuff." He snapped. And the bartender rushed to get a different bottle, he poured in a decent amount into a perfectly clean glass

You placed a crisp hundred dollar bill in the counter before walking back to Oswald.

You sat down as the table taking a sip of the golden liquid, allowing it to warm your entire being as it burned your throat.

"When you find Galavan, I get to kill him." Oswald held a tight smile.

"Why would I want to kill him?" You asked after downing the rest of your drink one long swig.

He looked at you with a curious look before shouting "EVERYONE OUT!"

Almost instantly everyone, including the woman performing on stage left.

He stood, and walked a few feet away from the table with a smirk that you didn't appreciate.

"Why are ya movin away from me Ozzie?" You asked slightly unnerved and pissed as you stood behind your chair, keeping a death grip on the back rest.

"Well I know you can have quiet the temper, and didn't exactly want to be in the crossfire when I tell you."

You increased your grip on the back of the chair. "Tell me what?" You asked through gritted teeth.

"Galavan took your brother earlier today. Someone about 'death to the son of Gotham'." He finished.

You flung the chair into the wall, allowing it to easily break into several pieces of wood and metal.

"HE WHAT?!" You screamed, causing a few guards to come out of the kitchen holding a few guns in your direction.

"For goodness sakes put your weapons down." Oswald ordered and the men did so.

"Ozzie." You straightened your shirt, regaining some composure. "Why don't we go for a drive, visit our old pall Theo hmm?" You spoke calmly walking back to the door.

You got in our car, and waited a moment while Oswald got into the passenger side.

"Alright, you can kill him, but you need to get me there first."

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