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You were stirring all night, it felt like you were being watched, but you had double checked all the windows and doors several times throughout the night. But you still couldn't shake the feeling.

You had been in and out of sleep until you finally saw the sun starting to rise, after you saw the soft glow through the thin curtains you decided it was time to get up.

Changing into a clean pair of jeans and a decently nice dress shirt that was long enough to contain the base of your gloves you felt finally ready to take on the day.

Driving in downtown Gotham was never fun, but the small cafe on the corner caught your eye, and you couldn't help but crave a nice hot cup of tea.

The air was warm and inviting as You stepped in, the slight jingle of bells attached to the door alerting the barista to your presence.

"Oh y/n! Welcome in! What can I get for you today?" She seemed rather excited, and it was pretty empty inside.

"A 20 ounce green tea with honey and lemon please." I smiled handing her a fifty dollar bill. "Keep the change."

She smiled and nodded and went to make your drink as you sat down.

"I wouldn't expect the famed y/n Wayne to be seen in a small place such as this." You looked up to find the owner of the voice, eventually landing your eyes in the tall man who sat down across from you. "Please excuse my rudeness, Jervis Tetch."

You reached out to shake his gloved hand with your own.

"Well I was on my way to the mayors mansion and thought some tea sounded good. And it's very nice to meet you Mr. Tetch."

"Please, call me Jervis."

"Well Jervis." You smiled politely. "What brings you to such a small cafe?"

"Well I felt drawn to this place, I too enjoy a good cup of tea. But I couldn't help but feel a familiar presence." He returned the smile.

"Here's your drink ma'am." The young barista handed you your drink.

"And what sort of presence did you feel?" You raised an eyebrow while you took a long sip of the perfectly heated drink.

"Well it reminded me of my late sister Alice." He frowned.

"I'm so sorry for your loss." You said placing a hand on top of his. True you didn't know this mysterious man, but he did seem like he needed some sort of comfort at the moment.

"Oh it's perfectly fine, her death was not your fault. As a matter of fact you do have a similar aura to her. You remind me of her." He said with a soft smile, but you could see the pain hiding behind it.

"Well I hope I remind you of her in a good way." You returned the polite smile.

"Oh you do. I loved my sister dearly, I could have sworn she didn't have a single flaw." He shook his head slightly. "I really must be going. I have some important business to attend to at the GCPD."

"Well then don't let me keep you. I hope to talk to you again some time Jervis." With that you both went your separate ways.

Time skip

Oswald had a tour of the local public school scheduled, and Ed figured that if you were there you could calm his nerves.

"Well this was the school I went to for the last three years of high school Ossie, if you can trust anyone to tell you it's not scary, then trust me." You tried to reassure him.

"But there was also an incident involving this school and you if I remember correctly." He snapped back.

"First of all, that took place on a buss, and that was a long time ago. Today, there's a whole lot of security everywhere. So you don't have to worry." You took a breath. "And secondly, that was Jerome and Galavans doing. And both of them are currently dead. One of which you killed." You let out a chuckle.

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