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Edwards POV

"You really think y/n will help you after she learns what you did?" Oswald sat in the passenger seat of the car as I drove.

"I'm sure she'll understand." I snapped back at my hallucination. "After all, y/n and I are friends. She was friends with Isabella too."

"Oh please Ed they hung out twice, only once without you there. I've known her for years, since she was a kid even. Before I was the Penguin. Do you honestly think you stand a chance?"

"AAAAAAAA" I pounded on the steering wheel. I knew he was right, at least partly. "She'll understand." I was mostly trying to convince myself. "But at least she's okay. That maniac ginger must have done a number, maybe me killing you will be the least of her worries for right now."

And just like that he disappeared again, and I continued the drive to y/n's apartment in silence.

Your POV

You heard the knock at the door, first peeking through the peep hole and opening it after seeing it was just Ed.

As he walked in he looked different. Not just his new deep green suit, but he seemed off in a way. His posture, even how heavy his steps were seemed off. Something was wrong, he wasn't just worried about your mental state after what happened with Jerome.

"Y/n." He stated simply.

"Edward." You stayed back.

"As I understand it, you were locked up with the cult for a few weeks?" He asked.

You sat on the sofa, followed shortly my Ed, the two of you sitting a cushion apart but still facing each other. "I was in a drug induced coma for most of it. The main cult guy, Dwight, drugged me and it didn't mix well with the other stuff in my blood. I woke up yesterday evening just before everything went down."

He nodded mostly to himself. "I see. So do you know about anything that happened in the time you were in a coma?"

"Not a thing. What are you getting at Ed?" You knew he was hiding something.

He fidgeted with his hands for a moment before continuing. "Oswald...." he had to pause for a split second. "Oswald killed Isabella."

You were shocked, you knew Oswald had a thing for Ed, but the fact that he would kill to have him. Something just felt off.

"So I killed him." He finished.

You sat in a state of shock. So many different emotions flowed through you in that moment, a good friend was dead, a woman you hoped to grow close to some day was also dead. And here in front of you sat another friend.

His eyes darted to a chair on the other side of the living room.

"Don't drip on her furniture either!" He snapped under his breath.

You followed his gaze, your eyes landing on the chair, and then back to Ed, his eyes moved like he was watching someone.

"Ed, who do you see?" You spoke in a soft, calm voice.

"Oswald." He was barely audible, whispering like he didn't want the hallucination to hear. "He won't leave me alone y/n. And a part of me doesn't want him to." A single tear began to fall down his cheek.

You moved closer to him, holding one of his gloved hands in your own, and laying your head on his shoulder. "It'll be okay Ed." You took long heavy breaths trying to keep the tears buried deep inside. "We'll get through this."

"We?" Ed sat up and looked at you.

"You're my friend Eddie, I understand why you killed him, and you'll have to understand that It'll take some time for me to work through it." You took a deep breath. "But right now Eddie, I don't feel like loosing another friend. In a place like Gotham a gall can really use as many as she can get."

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