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You unpacked all your things in just a few hours.

You sat back on your couch and turned the large TV on. The news was on. And the beautiful reporter was saying something about a murder at the circus that was in town. You flipped the channel to a movie you had seen a few times. It was already halfway over but you decided it would make good background noise as you made dinner.

You had just filled a pot with water when you heard a knock at the door. Turning the stove on you went to go answer it.

"BUTCH!" You yelled happily as he pulled you into a hug. "How'd you find my place?"

"Well Fish likes to keep tabs on her favorite people so all I had to do was ask." You stepped aside to let him in. He pulled out a bottle a wine from his coat.

"Now now, you know it's not legal for me to drink." You smiled taking the bottle.

"Wouldn't be the first illegal thing you've ever done kid." He smiled placing his jacket on the coat rack by the door. "Plus it's a gift from Fish, she wanted to come too, but she had other business to attend to."

You pulled out two wine glasses from a cupboard pouring both you and Butch a glass. "She always does." You looked at the pot of water on the edge of boiling. "I was just making some pasta, why don't you stay for dinner."

"I'd love to." He sat down taking a drink of the wine.

You poured the box into the now boiling water.

"Hey y/n." You looked over at him as you started making the sauce. "I had a question."

"Shoot." You said indicating for him to ask.

"Who do ya want Zsasz to kill? I know rich kids have people they don't like, but you don't seem like the kind of kid to have someone killed."

You chuckled stirring the pot of sauce. "A kid I used to know made rude comments about my mother today."

"And." He motioned for you to continue.

"And he said it to my brother." He sighed, knowing how much you love Bruce. "We also have somewhat of a rickety history." He gave you a confused look. "We dated a few years back." You chuckled at the thought. "He cheated one me."

"Oh, I see." He took another sip of the wine as you did as well. "So with all that mixed together you want him taken out."

"You got that right. I could deal with our past relationship, I could deal with him being mean to my brother, hell, I could even deal with him making rude comments about my mother." You poured out the water from the pot into the sink, transferring the pasta into a large bowl. "But all of them mixed together." You poured the sauce into a separate bowl as well. Taking two plates out of your cupboard placing them at the island Butch sat at. "He has to go."

"Well I gotta say y/n. You got more guts than most rich kids." You laughed serving yourself a portion of the meal you made as Butch did the same. "Damn this is good. I wouldn't guess you were a good cook y/n."

You smiled at his comment. Taking a bite. "So hows Ossie doing? I hope he's treating Fish well."

"He's a weird one. I don't know why ya like him so much."

"I guess I just like weird people." You took a sip of wine.

"He went a little over the top today with the guy in the ally." He said in-between bites of pasta.

"He's got spark, I admire that. And you know he doesn't like being called penguin right?" You raised one eyebrow at him.

"Awe come on y/n I'm just having a bit of fun with the guy." You rinsed off both plates.

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