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(A/N if you're enjoying the story please consider following me? Love ya,


Ed drove you home and wished you a good night before leaving to join Oswald for dinner. And you were asleep before your head hit the pillow.

You woke up with a slight headache, a little after ten am.

After downing a glass of water and casting the headache away you called a cab to take you back to Oswalds place, mainly because you left your car there.

As you made it there you were simply going to get your car and leave, but you heard Oswald yelling inside.

Walking in you could hear his words more clearly.

"I know one is expected to wait 24 hours to file a missing persons report, but sir, I am the mayor!" He really does have a thing for filing a missing persons report.

"Ossie what's going on?"

He turned and snapped his phone shut. "Ed was supposed to have dinner with me last night after he took you home. And he never came back!" He sounded frantic.

"Alright let's calm down. Have you tried calling him?" You asked.

He was about to respond when Ed burst into the room.

They started talking, but you felt your phone buzz in your pocket.

"Y/n Wayne." You answered stepping out of the room.

"Y/n! I'm so glad I could reach you, it's Lee. Harvey gave me your number, I hope that's alright."

"Oh hey Lee, of course it's alright. Did you need something?" You asked.

"Actually I wanted to invite you to my engagement party tonight." She sounded rather excited and hopeful.

"Of course! I'd love to come! What time and where?"

She told you the time and location before you both hung up.

After your quick chat with Lee you walked back into the room with your two close friends. Ed was overjoyed, but the expression Ossie had a look of jealousy and what could only be worded as pure rage.

"What's going on?" You asked pushing your phone back into your pocket.

"I'm in love!" Ed shouted.

Time skip

You went out and bought a new dress for the engagement party. You decided on a classy black dress that clung to your curves, but also flavored out at the waist, stopping right at your knees.

Already having a pair of black heels from the amount of times you had to be seen with Oswald for the cameras you finally felt ready to head out.

The building the party was being hosted at was truly beautiful and classy. Nothing you weren't used to, but it was still nice to see that an old friend was marrying someone who could make her happy like this. Someone who goes out of his way to make her feel like a princess.

The party held many people, people of high importance in Gotham. But you were really only looking for two people to tell congratulations.

"Y/n?" A familiar voice asked from behind you.

"Barbra? How the hell did you get in here?" You chuckled giving her a quick hug.

"I was a plus one. What are you doing here? Is baby Bruce here too?"

Smiling a bit at her sheer demeanor, you answered back. "Well Lee invited me, and if Bruce is here, I haven't seen him."

"Well as nice as it is to see you, Lee has already made it quiet clear that I'm not exactly welcome." She smirked. "Stop by the club some time."

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