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You waited in that bed for a few hours until you heard the lock click as it was undid. The doorknob slowly turned and in came a tall tan woman.

"Let me see your leg." She snapped when she saw you were awake.

You didn't exactly feel like fighting or arguing, so you simply moved the blanket aside so she could get a good look at it.

"They didn't hit a bone or an artery so you'll be fine eventually, but you need to shower, keep it clean." She motioned towards a door and helped you stand. "I'll put a change of clothes on the bed for when you're done. I'll be back soon to take another look at it."

She helped you to the bathroom and left as you shut the bathroom door.

The shower was easy enough, just one lever, the further up you pushed it the warmer the water came out.

It felt good to shower. If what Jerome said was true, and you had been asleep for three days, you desperately needed this. The warm water stung your wound at first, but it eventually numbed itself to the pain. You gently washed your burns, and the bullet wound that had been stitched up.

You finished your shower by rinsing the conditioner from your hair. You turned off the water and wrapped a towel around yourself.

You slowly made your way back into the bedroom and nearly jumped back when there was a tall figure standing in the darkness of the room.

"Jesus Christ what is it with people lurking around after I shower?!" You yelled mostly to yourself.

"What?" He looked confused and slightly hurt.

"Look Jerome, can I please get dressed in peace?" You picked up the set of clothes that Tabs had left for you with one hand, while the other hand kept your towel up.

"You mean to say I can't watch my own hostage get dressed?" He held his hand to his chest like he had gotten hurt. "Ouch." He chuckled.

"To be perfectly honest I'd rather you didn't." You started to make your way back to the bathroom. He didn't try to stop you.

'Thank God this door has a lock.' You thought to yourself turning the small metal piece so that the door wouldn't open.

You changed quickly, surprised at how well all the clothes fit.

You opened the bathroom door to see Jerome sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Took ya long enough." He glared at you.

"Well a girl has to look good. Even if the only person that's gonna see her is the crazy guy that kidnapped her and burned a buss full of girls alive."

He stood up quickly pinning you against the bathroom door with a hand wrapped around your throat. You did your best not to show fear.

"I'm not crazy." He spat. "The buss was all part of the plan." His grip tightened slightly and you clawed at his hand gasping for air.

He eventually let go and you slid to the floor choking, a pain shooting in your leg.

"That wasn't." You coughed. "Very nice."

He looked at you and laughed. "I just choked you!" He laughed again. "You should be horrified! And all you can say it that it wasn't nice?" He threw his head back laughing.

"Well it wasn't." You stood back up mainly using your not bullet ridden leg to support your weight.

"You got spark doll. I like that."

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