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A/N I'm so sorry this chapter took so long to come out I really am. I've just been so fucking busy. As I'm writing this I'm a little over 12 hours away from graduating high school. It's a drive through thing, but I'm finally done with public education! But I am working a full time job and I'm starting mortuary school pretty soon. However I'm going to start updating a lot more. I'm not done with this story. We've still got a few more seasons to get through, and we haven't even met Jeremiah yet! This will be a LONG story. I promise it's not over yet! Love ya


He held you in place, watching the shattered bones of your hands put themselves back together from the inside out. His deranged eyes  watching with fascination.

"I didn't know ya could do that doll." He smiled from behind the gauze that kept the blood in his face in. The fact that one hand was significantly paler than the other, that cut off just at the wrist didn't even seem to bother him.

You tore your hands away, and felt the final pop of your knuckles as they were done healing. "Don't touch me." Holding your ground he stared down at you. Those wild crazy green eyes burning holes into your own.

"Put her in the truck." He waved his hands and began to walk away.

Several cult members grabbed you. Carrying your thrashing body to a large semi truck, tossing you into the back.

You pounded on the door they had slammed shut.

They were howling with laughter, it was almost sickening how much they were laughing, the sound coming into the empty truck and bounding off the walls.

Then you heard gun shots, followed by silence, and then the truck starting.

Not knowing what to do, you pounded on the slot that led to the drivers seat.

"STOP THE DAMN TRUCK JEROME!" You screamed and pounded until that black sludge started to pour from your fists, and your knuckles had to put themselves back together again.

The small metal grate slid open harshly. "Fuck doll, you just don't quit do ya?" He laughed that normal insane laugh that had buried itself deep in your memory.

You thought. If you play along, you have a better chance of getting out of here. After all, you were still in your pajamas from a few weeks before hand when Dwight knocked you out.

"Jerome." You sounded defeated. "If I promise not to run can you let me out?"

He looked as if he thought about it for a moment. "Handcuffs?" He winked.

"I'll break my hands and get out again."

"Doesn't that hurt ya?" He laughed.

"Not exactly." You fidgeted with the tips of your gloves, suddenly thrown off balance from a sharp turn.

As you were thrown to the back of the truck from a sudden stop you only waited a few second before Jerome was helping you up.

He helped walk you to the passenger side of the truck as your twisted ankle snapped back in place after you landed hard when he stopped.

"After you malady." He bowed as he opened the door.

Rolling your eyes you got in, as that crazy ginger skipped back to the drivers side.

As you waited you couldn't help but feel eyes on the back of your head.

"Well this just got slightly better." You spoke to the man who forced a disgusting kiss on you only hours ago. He was tied up, his eyes less crazy, more horrified, then even more so while Jerome hopped back into his seat and drove off again.

As Jerome drove you kept your gaze fixed on Dwight. Your eyes burning into his skull as he watched Jerome with a crazed mix of fantasy and terror.

Some time passed before Jerome stopped the truck outside the Gotham power plant.

"Wait here doll." He winked.

You watched and waited until they were both inside. That's when you snuck out. Running as fast as you possibly could towards Wayne Manor. You had to make sure Bruce was okay.

Jerome's POV

Power plant blown up, Dwight taken care of, my face back on, I could now get down to the real business. Y/n and Bruce Wayne. Bruce has to go, killing him has been plaguing my mind almost as much as my want, no, need to hold y/n.

But that was the problem. She wasn't in the truck. I checked all around the area. But she wasn't there.

I was furious, but if I know little miss. Wayne as much as I think I do, I know exactly where she's going.

Your POV

You hid just inside a dark ally way as you saw the large truck Jerome was driving go past.

You knew he was heading towards Bruce, so, with adrenaline fogging up the rational side of your brain you grabbed the back of the truck and climbed to the top, keeping yourself out of sight as much as possible.

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