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A/N I would just like to say thank you, you guys are so amazing, and patient with me. This community is just so amazing, and you're all too kind. I really do appreciate you guys enjoying my book, it means so much. I love y'all so much I wish I had all the time in the world to write because I love Gotham so damn much but life has a way of fucking you over, I work full time while doing online college (mortuary school for those wondering) so I just don't have much time. However I'm not stopping until we get through all of it! I live y'all too much to stop. So without further ado the chapter that really fucked me over because writers block really kicked in right in the middle. Love ya


You watched as the cult members went into your childhood home, and eventually come out with Bruce and a very pissed off looking Jerome, his face now stapled back on. As a matter of fact it didn't look horrible. It was certainly an improvement from when Dwight wore it.

You stayed hidden, not wanting to risk getting caught while trying to rescue Bruce. However you noticed just how well he was handling things, he was so calm.

The ride was over far too soon, or at least it felt like it. Time has a funny way of speeding up when you're in panic mode, frantic you trying to think of a way to rescue your brother from a mad man who just came back from the dead.

"Boss" you heard a voice from below. "We can't find her anywhere."

"You checked her apartment?" Jerome asked.

"We has everyone who was free search the whole city, it's like she disappeared."

'Fuck.' You thought.

You heard maniacal laughter, Jerome's echo silenced any cult members who were nearby.

"What?" He practically shouted. "This is hilarious." His laugh died down, and what he said next made your heart sink to the pit of your stomach. "You can get off the truck now Doll." A few moments passed in silence. "Oh come on, don't make me come up and get you myself."

You slowly sat up, and looked over the edge of the truck, the look of pure horror on the face of your little brother broke your heart. But the face of the mad man next to him filled you with a primal rage.

You stood and jumped off, landing beside Bruce. You quickly wrapped him in a tight hug and whispered into his ear "I'm so sorry."

"Alright, alright." Jerome spoke in a raspy voice. "Let's get this show on the road." He wrapped an arm around your waist, and chuckled as you tensed up at his touch.

A cult member followed closely behind dragging Bruce along.

"See all this Doll. This is what people are really like. Once you take away the rules, and consequences, people show their true colors."

"There are good people in Gotham." Jerome stopped to turn and look at Bruce.

"Face it kid, Gotham has no hero's."

I zoned out, watching the chaos all around me. My heart broke seeing all the normal people being slaughtered around me.

But the picture was almost beautiful.

I was knocked out of my thoughts by Jerome's arm around me once more. "What do you say Bruce? Wanna have some fun before the main event?"

Jerome led you to a face painting station, where two crazy eyed clowns sat ready to do some horrific art on some poor bastards faces.

Bruce was sat down first, and one of the clowns began to paint a sad reaction on his face.

Jerome forced you into one of the stools across from your brother.

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