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A/N So I have a full time job now.... kinda crazy. Being 18, technically still in high school, even though us seniors are just kinda winging it at this point. It's kinda crazy. I'm also currently working on writing an actual book. Like a novel. It's about a Law student and a serial killer falling in love. I was kinda tired of all the people, especially young girls, who saw the relationship between Harley Auin and the Joker and thinking that was healthy. SOOOO it's a healthy relationship. Because if you're reading this you probably have a weird fascination with serial killers and the typical bad boy. I wanted to write something that could have that wonderfully mysterious serial killer and gore vibe, while also having a healthy relationship. Anyway I've got a lot in my plate BUT IM NOT DONE WRITING THIS FAN FIC! I love y'all too much to just scrap it. So here's an extra long chapter as an apology for taking so darn long. Love ya


"I don't smell breakfast." You heard Zsasz come through the window.

"There's cereal in the cupboard if you're hungry." You spoke from the couch, your face buried into a new book on human psychology.

"How is it that I don't see you for less than a day and I come back to you like this?" He smirked looking you up and down as you finally stood up.

"Figured some stuff out." You chuckled, leaving out the open window that Zsasz had com in.

Time skip

Zsasz had you working on knives all day, mainly unbalanced knives like stuff you'd find in a kitchen. Mainly so if you got caught off guard.

As you were done you changed quickly back home and went out to get some coffee.

You picked up two, and headed towards the Gotham Liberty, ready to surprise your new friend Isabella with a warm drink.

Inside was empty except for Isabella organizing old newspapers in the back.

You dinged the bell on the front desk, which startled her slightly, until she saw it was you.

"I thought maybe you could use a warm drink." You said smiling.

She took the cup and took a long sip, savoring the flavor. "Hazelnut?"

You chuckled lightly, "I may have texted Ed asked what you like."

"Well I must say Miss. Wayne this certainly is a surprise."

"Please, call me y/n." You smiled brightly. "Now." You sat down at one of the small dark oak tables in the library. "How are things with Ed?"

"Absolutely fantastic!" She cheered.

"That's amazing to hear!" You returned her warm smile. "Ed's been a really good friend to me for a while, I'm glad he's happy with someone like you."

"Someone like me?" She questioned.

"Someone I can actually talk to." You chuckled. "Someone I can see as a friend as well. I mean when my brother starts dating I'm pretty sure I won't be able to just bring coffee by her work and hang out for a bit."

"Oh, I understand. I was worried it meant something bad."

"Not at all. You're practically a sister to be already."

She smiled at that. "Well I'm glad Ed has you in his life. He talks very highly of you."

Time skip

It was time to go home, after all Isabella had a conference she had to go to in the morning, so you offered her a ride home. A simple gesture that she excepted since she had decided to walk to work that morning.

As you pulled into the parking lot she stopped.

"Thanks y/n." She smiled. "It's almost like having a sister around."

You chuckled lightly. "Well Ed is sorta like a weird brother at this point. Him and Ossie are almost like an old married couple at this point. So that does make you my sister in law in a way." You laughed again. "It was great hanging out with you Isabella."

"I look forward to the next time." She smiled brightly as she finally left the car. You waited until you saw her safely inside her complex before finally driving away.

Time skip

Driving through the streets just for the hell of it was freeing. The windows rolled down, the cool evening breeze blowing through your hair as you drove 30 over the speed limit.

No one was out at this time of night. Well, no one in their right mind that is. Gotham isn't a pretty place in the streets at night. You knew that. Of course you knew that.

And as you turned a sharp corner you hit the breaks, and you hit them hard.

A line of people blocked the way. Each one crazy and deranged looking. They reminded you of the people you killed in that building a while back while Zsasz watched how you handled a gun.

Their hair frizzy and wild. Except the man who stood front and center. His short dark hair slicked back, his coat clean. But his eyes held the same crazy as the rest of them.

Glasgow smiles painted across their cheeks.

You quickly put the car in reverse. Booking it out of there as fast as possible. You didn't know who they were, but one thing was certain, they were trouble.

A few blocks flew past and you slammed to yet another sudden halt. A new line of people blocked the way.

Yet again making a mad dash away you decided on going home.

60 over the speed limit you had to get all the way across town.

"Shit." You mumbled to yourself as the gas light turned on. Slowing the pace significantly you turned into the first gas station you saw. Checking your front pocket for a few small knives just in case.

Reaching in the tip of one nicked the tip of your index finger. Drawing yet another drop to coat the surface of the blades that were deep in your pocket.

Walking into the station the teenager behind the counter had a dead, glazed over look in his eyes.

"20 on 4." He took the single bill and didn't even bother handing you a receipt.

Standing, leaning against the dusty white side of the car you waited for the gas to finish pumping.

"Y/n Wayne." A voice came from behind you. "It's so lovely to see you again."

Turning you saw the guy from before. His dark hair slicked back.

"Am I supposed to know who you are?" You snapped.

"I apologize. I'm Dwight." He took a step closer as you took a step back. "God." His eyes started to look crazy again. "I see why he liked you so much." He licked his lips as he eyed you head to toe.

"That's enough of that shit." You pulled the gas hose out of the car and started to get back in, completely ready to drive away, when a clammy hand gripped your wrist.

Looking up, it wasn't Dwight. No, he was standing back, watching the lunatic that grabbed you.

"Wrong move." You spoke in a monotone voice, taking out one of the small knives, stabbing it through his hand.

The dried black sludge became wet again as it entered his own blood stream.

It looks almost like a spider web, the way his veins began to run black under his tanned skin.

It wrapped its way up his arm, engulfing his entire body as he choked on his own blood. His eyes began to liquefy in the sockets and drip down his cheeks.

He was dead in mere moments. But you didn't have time, you had to get out of there. You had to get home. Get safe.

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