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Walking into your apartment you took a deep breath. The sight of that guy suffering because of your poisoned blood. It shook you up inside. The way his eyes melted and bubbles away in the sockets.

"Alright." You spoke to yourself, shrugging off your jacket, suddenly urning for a hot shower.

The water took a few minutes to heat up to the perfect boiling hot temperature. It felt great, long hot showers always did.

After drying off in the bathroom and changing into a set of pajamas you brought in before your shower you finally left, ready to go to sleep after a long day.

The apartment was dark, something you had made a habit of. Only lights from the street lamps below illuminated the blinds softly.

Hearing the soft buzz of the occasional car down below you walked to your bedroom, the layout of the flooring memorized so you didn't bump into anything.

Snuggling into the soft and warm quilt you started to allow yourself to drift off. The soft hum of the drier downstairs barely audible yet oddly comforting.

That was until you heard the smallest sound. Something any normal person probably wouldn't notice. The smallest creak coming from the closet.

You froze. Listening for something, anything that would indicate that it was more than a mouse that had somehow made its way inside.

Another small creak, but it had weight, something a person would create. Barely noticeable, but still there.

You got up slowly, making your way to the closet, you put your ear up to it, feeling a prick in he side of your neck.

Immediately backing away a car passing by illuminated several holes that had been drilled into wood of the closet door.

With a spinning head you saw the man from before slide the door open, his dark hair slicked  back, the same insanity still burnin in his eyes.

"Fuck...." your vision started to become a tunnel of darkness as he emerged. "You." Falling to the floor the world around you went dark.

Time skip

"Jesus Christ Dwight. How much of that shit did you give her?" The voice sounded faint and far away.

"The whole thing." His voice sounded almost questionable.

"Fuck Dwight, she's gonna OD!"

You faded in and out for a while. Not completely sure of how much time passed.

Time skip

Finally coming to, you saw the IV in your arm, and your foot chained to the make shift hospital bed.

With your mind spinning like crazy you sat up, tearing the IV out. Only a small trickle of black sludge came out before it healed.

You looked around the room.

"What the fuck?" You mumbled to yourself.

"Oh." You heard from the doorway. She had wild hair and a fresh IV in one of her hands.

"Hey! Let me out!"

She looked around in a crazy manner. Not fully sure as to what to do. "Uhh." You could almost hear her heart racing. "DWIGHT!" She screamed as she ran out.

"Wait no! Come back!" You tried calling after her. But she just slammed the door behind her.

A few minutes passed, and Dwight came in. Looking almost exactly the same. "You should be thankful Ms. Wayne." You we're starting to dislike his attitude.  "You're alive because of me. Just like he'll be alive again because of me." His smirk set your teeth on edge. "The drug I gave you a few weeks ago reacted poorly with whatever your blood is made of."

"Alright then don't fucking drug me." You snapped back.

"Well I had a feeling you wouldn't come here willingly so I had to take matters into my own hands." You must have looked confused, because he rolled his eyes and began to explain. "Tonight, Gotham will have it's king back. And it's king needs a suitable queen."

It hit you like a train. Who was the one person who could have all these crazies in a line, the one person who obsessed over you, the one person who set your teeth on edge.


Suddenly in a panic, pulling on the chain around your ankle, trying so desperately to pull it off the wall.

"He will return!" Dwight started to preach. "AND YOU WILL BE HIS QUEEN!" His eyes were hungry, the type of hungry that held nothing good. Like a predator that was stalking its prey.

Time skip

Hours passed while you waited for something, anything to happen. There was no way they could bring Jerome back, it was impossible. At least with Galavan Dr. Strange had an entire lab, he had equipment that Dwight couldn't get a hold of. Even if he did have it, Strange was a mad genius, he was some loon with a crush on yet another loon.

One of the random crazies came it and cuffed your hands, then undid the one on your ankle before forcing you to your feet.

After a few deists and turns they brought you into what looked like a home made stage, a cheap replica of a news station.

A few of the cult members forced you onto one of the chairs and you waited.

Jerome's POV

I woke up in that damn police station, missing a face and a good chuck of time.

That cop was easy enough to take out, but my mind was racing.

The last thing I remembered was wanting to kill Bruce Wayne. Wayne, Wayne, y/n Wayne. She was there. She screamed when that bastard Galavan stabbed my throat, I saw that look in her eyes. She was devastated that I was gone. I wonder if she still thinks about me.

Time skip (sorta)

"So this cult. They think I'm pretty great huh?"

"They're a bunch of lunatics and idiots." She spat.

"Lunatics AND idiot?! My kinda people." (Aka my actual senior quote.) "Let me guess, y/n. You know y/n right? Hot little Wayne number. I bet she's the one running it huh?"

She rolled her eyes. "Actually she was staying out of all of it. Hell I don't even know where she is in all of this. Check the news."

The news was.... well, infuriating!

Dwight stood. Wearing my own god damn face, with MY y/n behind him. And worst of all it wasn't even entertaining.

"Look at that! No stage presence! Keep watchin doc. You won't wanna miss what happens next."

I was almost out the door when what Dwight was doing caught my attention for another second. He kissed her. That bastard kissed MY Y/N!

Your POV

You spat, it was the most disgusting thing you could ever think of. The worst part however, was the fact it was Dwight. It wasn't even the cut off face of a dead psychopath that bothered you so much. It was just everything about this loon was revolting.

A few minutes went by when you heard a familiar voice from behind you.

"Tsk tsk tsk. Dwight my man!"

No, no no no no no!

You knew it was him, you just knew it. You didn't know how or why, but he was back. That thought sent your whole body into a frenzy.

You looked at your hand, cuffed to the steal chair, and did the one thing you could think of.

You flipped the chair, landing all your body weight onto your hands, and you clenched your jaw as you felt every bone on your hands and wrist shatter.

But you were free, with your hands starting to put themselves back together you started to run.

A strong arm wrapping around your waist stopped you from getting too far though.

"Not so fast doll."

(Just a reminder that this is NOT a Jerome x Reader fan fic. It will eventually be a Jeremiah x Reader.)

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