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Bruce's POV

"She hasn't been seen by her landlord sir, and she hasn't been to school since the incessant." Alfred spoke while I sat in the study.

"There has to be something. The medical examiner said she wasn't in the buss. I've asked him to run dental records again."

"Master Bruce, I'm sure she's alright, she's a strong woman."

"She gets that from mom." I spoke softly, deep in thought. She can't be gone.

"That she does sir." There was a loud knock at the door. "I'll see who that is." And he hurried out of the study.

He came back less than a minute later with detective Gordon.

"Detective Gordon." I rise up to greet him. "Have you heard anything about y/n?"

"I do have a lead." Alfred gave me a concerned look. I nodded for him to continue. "We believe she was taken by the group that set the buss in fire. The Maniax. One of my officers saw the leader, Jerome Valeska, take her to the gasoline truck before he set the buss in fire." He had a strange look in his eyes, like he was hiding something.

"Is there something you're not tell us detective?" I questioned.

"Yes, Umm." He shifted nervously. "The officer that saw her with Jerome tried to get a shot in on him. But y/n was in the way. She was shot in the leg."

I took a deep breath. "Is there anyway that the shot could put her life in danger?" I looked down at my feet.

"She doesn't know exactly where she was hit. We don't know if she hit a bone or an artery. But Jerome seemed concerned in some way. I don't think he would let her die."

I nodded. "Thank you detective, please let me know if any other leads come up. I'd like my sister back."

He looked from me to Alfred.

"We will find her." Alfred just nodded in response.

Alfred showed Gordon to the door, leaving me with my thoughts.

"He couldn't have known she was on that buss. Her records still show she goes to my school." I thought out loud pacing back and forth. "He must have known she was a Wayne, or he would have let her burn. There has to be an explanation. It just doesn't make sense."

Your POV a few days later

You leg was healing pretty well. Tabatha would come in to check in it a few times a day. She was nice to you, but you had no idea why. Jerome slept in your room. Occasionally cuddling next to you, but mostly laying on the floor. Like he was afraid you would leave.

The door opened to show a smiling Jerome holding a plate of food. "Rise and shine doll." Doll was his pet name for you. You didn't like it, but you had to stay on his good side if you had any chance of actually getting out of here alive.

"Good morning Jerome." His smile dropped.

"Why do you always have to call me Jerome?" He set the plate down on the bed in front of you.

"Because it's your name."  He looked slightly hurt before his demonic smile returned.

"Well I call you doll, why don't you give me a fun name?" He leaned in close. He smelled good, like he had just showered.

"No thanks." You paused. "Jerome." You smiled and leaned back, taking a bite of bacon.

"Oh come on! It could be fun!" He stood up straight and jumped up and down like a little kid that was overly excited.

"What would I even call you? Mr. Valeska?" His eyes got wide.

"It's a good start. I like the assertion in it. But we're not quiet there." He paces around for a few seconds. "Oh! I got it!"

You started to take a drink of water. "Hmm?"

"Call me daddy." You choked. "Oh come on doll! I've always wanted a gorgeous girl to call me daddy."

You swallowed hard. "I'd really rather not."

His smile fell and he looked angry.

'God damn it, if I have to call him daddy I'm gonna kill myself.' You thought.

He sat in the bed right in front of you his face inches from your own. "Come on kitten."

'Oh great, another nickname.'

"Call me daddy. Or I'll get very angry. You don't want to make me angry do you?"

You felt your heart drop. "N-no."

"No what?" His grin had started again.

"No daddy." You whispered. "I don't want to make you angry."

He threw his head back laughing. "I like the sound of that!"

Before you could say anything back he left. And you heard the lock click like it always did.

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