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The drive back into Gotham was silent, only the soft hum of the car to fill the silence. Eventually you were back in your apartment, ready to take a shower and go to bed.

If you were being honest, you were a bit shaken up, Jeremiah looked just like Jerome. I mean, they were identical, but Jeremiah was different, he seemed to be scared. Just how long has he been living in that maze?

You got in a quick hot shower and finally went to sleep, you weren't fully convinced that Jeremiah was what he seemed to be, but if worse comes to worse it's not like he could actually hurt you, and if he tried, we'll, you had your blood, and if it came to that, you could kill him. Although chances of that were slim.

Time skip brought to you by its been a year since I've updated this

It's been a few weeks, and currently you were zigzagging your way through the streets of Gotham, in case anyone was following you you'd loose them before you made it to the woods on the way to Jeremiahs bunker.

Lately you've been glad when he set up meetings, it meant you could get out of town, and you had something other than Cherrys underground fights to look forward to.

You stopped the car and pressed the button to be buzzed in, and soon enough the door opened and you were in the elevator going down.

Over the past few weeks you had memorized most of the maze, Jeremiah said it might help some day.

You knocked on his office door and heard the usual "Come in" and so you went in, and took your usual seat.

"So what's going on?" You asked. "Any updates?"

"Not on my end. Echo has been going into town for the usual business, have you heard anything?"

"Jerome keeps making a fuss in Arkham, a few of the guards I know say he's practically running the show. He's either got their respect, or their fear. But he's still contained, we just need to keep an eye on the situation."

"That's sounds about right. Any other news in Gotham?" He asked.

"Oswald is starting up a new club from what I've heard, I haven't really heard from him since I got Victor to join him." You thought about it for a moment. "As a matter of fact I haven't heard from Ed in a while either."

"The Riddler?" He asked finally taking a seat across from you.

"Yeah, I should probably check up on him when I get back into town."

"Should I send Echo to check it out?" He asked taking a sip of his whiskey.

"No, if anything is wrong it'll be either Oswald or Gordon. And neither of them will hurt me if things get out of hand. Not that they could anyway." You chuckled at the thought of Ossie or Gordon trying to kill you, they knew what you were, and it would be funny if they thought they could kill you.

"If you don't mind." He started. "You've only mentioned your time at Indian Hill once, what exactly did he do. I know you heal quickly, and you survived Jerome's cannon stunt, I guess I'm just a bit curious and confused."

You chuckled slightly at that. "Must be a new feeling for you."

"It's definitely a bit odd." He smiles back.

"Well he replaced my blood with a soup of different stuff. Dr. Lee told me I should be dead. It's a whole mix of all sorts of stuff that should have killed me, but it worked I guess. It's pretty thick, and this black sludge color. It heals fast. I guess Dr. Strange needed someone with the right capacity to hold it."

"Did it hurt?" He asked concerned.

"For a while yeah, the tests they did were excruciating, my nerves were always on over drive, but I survived I guess." You half heartedly began to glance around the room. "Fire was always my least favorite, it doesn't bother me anymore, but boy it sucked." You let out a small laugh, but he only looked more concerned. "I guess I kinda have to laugh at it now. Strange is gone, firefly isn't brainwashed anymore, Fish is probably dead by now, all the other monsters are anyway."

"So you're the last one left?"

"As far as I know, yeah."

"I-I'm sorry I asked, it was out of place." He stood up quickly and began to look busy.

"It's fine, I really don't mind. It's the way it is ya know? The drip finally stops." You stood, he looked nervous so you stood next to him, placing a hand on his shoulder. "What happened to me is in the past, I'm still alive, and we can't dwell on the past. I know you're worried about Jerome, but remember, if we stick together, we can get through this. He doesn't have a chance."

Jeremiahs POV

God, I wanted to kiss her right then and there. The way she wasn't afraid of my brother even after all he put her through, she wasn't held back my Indian hill, or her parents murder.

I started having Echo follow her after I saw her outside of what used to be Fish Mooneys club. Back when I was able to go out more often, and before Jerome of all the places that damn circus stopped, killed our mother in Gotham.

"Ya know, I never understood why people smoke"

"It's relaxing."

"So it is."

I remember being incredibly upset about the fact that she smoked, and even more upset when Echo reported to me that she would put them out on her legs, some form of self harm I guess. Although I must admit, I respect her for being able to quit cold turkey after Jerome's bus incident.

Still, watching her through the eyes of someone else was hard. I had wanted to speak with her after her first run in with Jerome, back at the police station. I wanted to warn her about what he was capable of. But I guess all those blows that came one after another built up the woman that stood by me today.

Who knows what y/n Wayne would say about all this right after her parents murder. She definitely wouldn't be the same, but still, as her phone buzzed on the desk, she held it up, showed me it was Harvey, one of the only cops she trusted.

"What's it say?" I asked.

"Apparently there's a group of people who kidnapped some kid, he wants me to go get him. Apparently they can't get a warrant." She spoke.

"Meet me back here Friday?"

"You bet." She smiled and did the same thing she always did, those weird finger guns before she went back into the maze. If it was anyone else it would have been annoying, but it was refreshing when she did it.

She wasn't some professional business person. She was just y/n Wayne. And just so unapologetically herself.

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