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A/N Alright, just over a week till I turn 19. I just switched majors from Mortuary science to Creative Writing and got into my dream art school with an AMAZING writing program. And my last day at my full time job is this upcoming Wednesday the 18th. I'm getting laid off because we lost funding and I drew the short straw. So big school change, and loosing my job. Lots of shit so I had to make this chapter extra special.... Y'all have been waiting and I have FINALLY delivered! Oh I just know you're gonna enjoy this one 😉 Love ya


"Oh my God." Was all you were able to say. The shock of the situation almost too much.

"Y/N?!" Oswalds voice came back on the line.

"Oh my God." You said once more.

"Y/n I need you to listen very carefully. I know this is a lot, but I really need your help." His words were rushed, you could tell he was incredibly stressed.

"Y-yeah, okay. I'm listening."

"I need you to come get me and Ivie. I'll tell you the rest later."

He told you where he was, occasionally asking Ivie for the rest, but none the less you got an address.

It took you less than ten minutes till you were in your car on your way to the location, although you couldn't shake the feeling that you were being watched.

Time skip

You sat looking at the large greenhouse, sitting for a few minutes mentally preparing yourself to see him again. It had taken so much out if you hearing that he was dead, the almost constant fighting leading to pointless money you didn't need. On top of having to deal with Ed becoming the Riddler, it was a lot.

Although you finally found yourself inside, taking a few moments to spot Oswald and Ivie.

Once you saw them you ran to them, wrapping Oswald in a tight hug that caught him off guard. It took everything inside of yourself to hold back the tears you'd been fighting for weeks to keep down.

"I can't believe you're actually alive." You said once he pulled himself free of the embrace and straightened out his clothes.

"I'm glad you're okay too. Ivie told me about Jerome. But I really need your help. I think if we can convince some people to help we could actually stop this problem once and for all!" He almost cheered.

"What problem? Is this about Ed?"

"Who else would this be about?!" He snapped, the weeks of stress evident in his voice.

"Ossie, I love you like another brother but isn't this.... obsession with Ed going a bit far? I know he tried to kill you, I know you want revenge, but at some point Ossie, this has to stop." You took a deep breath. "I just mean. Ed is like a brother too. He's a good friend. I don't want to see you two killing each other every other week."

"Listen." He breathed out heavily, placing a firm hand on your shoulder. "I want it to be over as much as you. And if it makes you feel better I'm not going to kill Ed."

You gave him an uncomfortable and confused look that he eventually registered.

"I promise you y/n. I am not going to kill Edward."

Time skip

"I need access to the weapon storage vaults." You spoke to the guard at Wayne enterprises.

"I'm sorry Ms. Wayne but I can't do that. It's strictly prohibited." The large guard spoke.

"Excuse me?!" You snapped in an overly bratty 'rich kid' tone. "I am Y/N WAYNE! A Wayne! When did that name loose respect here?!"

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