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You had told Alfred the day before that you wouldn't be able to give Bruce a ride to school. Of course he didn't mind, it's not like he had somewhere else to be in the morning.

You took a quick shower, taking the time to blow dry your hair you had recently cut and re-colored. You put it in the most out of the way style you could and put on your cheer uniform.

"Thank God these skirts have pockets." You thought out loud as you put your lighter and a full carton of cigarettes into the pockets.

You drove to school and parked in the main parking lot heading to the front of the school where the rest of the team waited.

"Miss. Wayne I hope you're not smoking on school property!" The principle yelled at you. You dropped the cigarette and put it out with your foot. At least the tights you wore under your skirt hid the burn marks you kept making.

"Wouldn't dream of it Mrs. Smith!" You yelled back as she scoffed and walked back into the building.

The rest of the team arrived shortly, and you all got a name tag that said your name, grade, and school. As if they couldn't already tell what school by your uniforms.

You all loaded onto the buss, and you decided on a seat towards the back.

The buss started to move, and the rest of the team started the cheers. You decided to take a nap, it was gonna be a long buss ride.

You woke up to the sound of screaming. And you couldn't help but notice that the buss had stopped.

A large man stepped on carrying a shit ton of handcuffs. He made his way down the isle, connecting each girl to their seat. He eventually made it to you and did the same.

That's when the same ginger kid from the station stepped on.

"I would like you all to know." He started. "This was a very difficult decision for us. It was between you, and a senior citizen bingo party. In the end we decided to skew a little younger, youth on the day. Sorry."

He kept making his way down the isle holding a gun. But he stopped when he was right next to you.

"Don't I know you?" He leaned down so he was eye level with you.

"Yup." You rolled your eyes. You were NOT in the mood to deal with this today.

"Y/n right? We met at the GCPD." He pointed the gun at your name tag. "Hey, I didn't know you were a Wayne!" He gave a fake gasp.

"Yeah, can we please just get this over with? Kill us or don't. I really don't have all day." You honestly didn't care what he did. You were bored.

"I like your attitude kid."

"I'm pretty sure we're the same age." You glared at him. "So don't call me kid."

"I remember calling you doll at the station, so I guess I'll just have to call ya that." You rolled your eyes at that. "ARON!" He yelled at the massive man who had originally handcuffed you. "Unlock my friend here and take her off the buss." He gave you an evil smile.

The man you assumed to be Aron unlocked your handcuffs and threw you over his shoulder.

"I do know how to walk ya know?" You lifted your head so you were looking at Jerome. But the girls around you just kept screaming.

'God I don't even care if he kills them.' You thought to yourself, and it was true. They were annoying.

Aron eventually stepped off the buss and set you down. You didn't even try to run. You knew these crazy people had guns, and they wouldn't hesitate to shoot the girl running away.

Jerome stepped off the buss and grabbed a hose from a smaller skittish man, hopping back into the buss.

"Give me an O!" The girls just screamed. So he shot the roof of the buss making you flinch. "I said give me an O." They yelled in unison an O "give an N!" Jerome shouted again, and they gave him an N. "Give me another O!" And they gave it to him. "What does that spell? O NO."

Then he started to spray the gasoline all over them. Making his way up and down the isle making sure to drench each girl you had grown to hate. And you just watched with a blank expression.

Eventually Jerome came back out dropping the hose, and he went to light it. But it didn't spark.

"This is embarrassing." He looked over at you. Then hopped back in the buss. "Anybody got a light?"

"Like they would give you one even if they had one." You rolled your eyes and he marched up to you. He towered over you.

"I seem to recall you smoking outside some club." He leaned over you even more. His hand reaching in your pocket and he smiled when he pulled out the small silver object. "Thanks doll."

'I guess I really should quit.' Was the only thought that came to your head. Not the girls who thought of you as a friend, not even the cops who had just pulled up.

But you were snapped out of your thoughts when a gun went off and you felt a sharp pain in your leg.

Jerome looked at you with genuine concern. "Aron get her on the truck! They can't shoot at the buss."

You went into shock as the large man picked you up again. The last thing you saw before the world around you went black was the buss go up in flames and Jerome looking down at you with a smile.

(I know! I'm sorry! But I felt like no one ever wrights the buss actually catching fire so I thought I'd do something else.)

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