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You woke up in a dark room on top of a pretty comfortable bed. You tried you stand up but the sharp pain in your leg brought you down.

Before you knew it a strong pair of arms were lifting you up setting you back down on the bed. You looked up and you were met with beautiful green eyes that were looking at you concerned.

"I wouldn't try to stand, tabs patched ya up the best she could but you still need time to heal." You decided not you fight it and just laid back down.

"What happened?" You turned your head to look at him, deciding not to ask about the fact that he was definitely watching you sleep.

"One of the cops accidentally shot you when they tried to stop us."

"Oh." Was all you could say when you remembered the buss go up in flames. "I'll assume they're all dead."

"Yeah, sorry about your friends doll."

"They weren't my friends." You snapped sitting up.

"Oh, then I guess I should thank you. Your lighter was the one that did the trick."

"Yeah you're welcome." You looked at your leg. Someone had cut away at your tights and you saw the small hole that had been stitched up. It wasn't much bigger than your other scars.

"Can I ask you something?" He sat down in the edge of the bed.

"I guess I don't really have much of an option so shoot." He giggled. But it sounded sincere, not crazy.

"What are those scars from? I don't think you get shot too much."

You looked away from your leg and around the room. "That's where I put out my cigarettes."

"Why?" He sounded genuine.

"Because I actually feel something." You looked into his eyes, and it was almost as if he understood.

Then a knock came to the door. "Jerome, the boss wants you downstairs. Oh my God y/n?!" You looked up to see Barbra in the doorway.

Jerome looked jealous. "You two know each other?"

"Yeah." You said not looking away from Barbra. "We live in the same apartment building.

"Oh Jerome, he is NOT going to be happy about this once he finds out who you took." She snapped.

He kissed your forehead and got up. "I'll be back soon doll, and I'll bring some food. Just." He took a breath. "Don't try to escape."

"I can barely stand, do you think I can actually run away?" He only laughed and shut the door. And you heard it lock behind him.

You laid back down and waited.

A few hours later Jerome came back into the room with a plate of food and a glass of water.

"So I told my boss who you were and he wasn't too happy."

"Oh? I would assume you kidnapping anyone would make someone upset." You took a sip of the water, but you weren't hungry.

"No, I don't think he would care if you were anyone else. But, he wasn't too happy when Barbra told him you were a Wayne."

"Yeah, that makes sense."

"But, he said I could keep you!" He sounded excited. "But, I can't tell you who he is. Something about ruining his plan or whatever."

"Gotcha." You continued to sip the water.

"Please eat." You were shocked by his statement.

"Excuse me?"

"You've been asleep for three days, you have to be hungry." You laughed.

"Yeah well the last thing I remember seeing was a buss full of girls go up in flames, so excuse me for not being hungry." He seemed pissed off by that comment.

He took a few deep breaths to calm himself down, then picked up the fork placing a bite of food on the end and holding it in front of your mouth. "Please." He said.

You reluctantly opened your mouth, allowing him to place the food inside. You chewed slowly, but eventually swallowed.

"Good girl." He put another bite of food on the fork and did it again.

You both maintained eye contact until the plate was empty.

You finished off the water and looked down back at your leg. "Thank you."

"What was that?" He teased.

"I said thank you." You looked back up into his eyes. He seemed smug.

"You're welcome doll. Now, I've got work to do. I'll send Tabs in here to check on your leg in a bit." He stood up heading back towards the door. "And, again, don't try.."

"To escape. I know." You cut him off and he smiled leaving you alone again.

(A/N short chapter I know. And this isn't going to be a Jerome X reader story, sorry to disappoint. The plan is for it to eventually be a Jeremiah X reader soooooo y'all gotta wait for the smut. Sorry not sorry. Love ya


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