2.9K 101 17

Trigger Warning: this chapter contains the idea of rape, you have been warned.

Oswald got you to the church easily, but you were caught by some of his men.

Currently you sat, tied to a chair, looking up at Bruce who was tied to a pole in some sort of ceremonial gown.

"What is all this?" You asked Galavan.

"Well my dear y/n, the Wayne's put my own family to shame some time ago. Seeing as how Bruce is the only male heir, he can clear your family's name." He crouched in front of you. "Once he's gone, the Wayne name will disappear."

"And what about me? I'm a Wayne." You snapped.

"Yes but some day you'll marry, and you'll take a different name." He said calmly, standing again.

"And if I don't?" You questioned, trying desperately to keep him away from your little brother.

"Well now that you have that idea." He said snapping his fingers.

After the snap a young man came into the room. He looked to be about your age.

"I'll simply give you to young Lucas here. He carries the Galavan name, you'll be his, for him to do with as he pleases." You stared at the young man who looked at you with a hunger in his eyes. "You'll do your family proud. The daughter of a Wayne should be more than a simple puppet for a stronger family." He then waved his hand and a man came and dragged you out of the room, this Lucas guy following you, keeping his hungry gaze fixed upon you.

The chair scraped against the hard ground, downing out your screams for Bruce, for anyone.

You were eventually dragged into a small cell, where the man who had been dragging you cut your wrists, and angles free. Leaving you alone with Lucas.

"You are quiet pretty, thank God my uncle gave you to me and not my brother." He spoke in a rather cool tone that set your teeth on edge.

He had far too much confidence for your liking, it reminded you of Jerome, only somehow worse. Because at least Jerome never tried to force himself on you, like Lucas was currently trying to do.

He tried to unbutton your your shirt, but you pushed him away.

This pissed him off more, he eventually tore your shirt off, holding you against the wall by your throat as you stood in only your jeans and bra.

You tried to fight back, punch and scratching at his arms in some sort of attempt to free yourself. But he had completely closed off your airways, soon you vision started to blur, the edges of the room became black as Lucas kept his primal gaze fixed on your body.

Just as you were about to completely pass out he let you go. You fell to the floor holding your throat and coughing harshly in a feeble attempt to fill your empty lungs with air again.

"I would much rather have you awake. More fun that way." He started towards you again, pinning you against the cold floor of the cell.

He began to reach his cold hands down your stomach and to the rim of your pants when a knocking came to the cell door.

A faint voice could be heard from outside. "Now now, that's no way to treat a lady."

Lucas didn't flinch at the voice, only continued on his journey to the zipper of your jeans.

The door burst open, and in an instant Lucas fell on top of you, splattering a fine mist of blood onto your face.

The body on you was still, you rolled him off of you and looked to see none other than Oswald in the doorway, holding a small handgun with a silencer attached to the end.

You coughed again harshly. "Thanks." You got out eventually.

You stood slowly, as the small man hobbled over to you handing you a small square of fabric to wipe the blood off your face.

You declined the offer. "I want him to see his nephews blood." You said sternly walking out.

Oswald coughed behind you, so you turned. "You might want this." He tossed you a separate small handgun from his coat pocket. You nodded your thanks and made your way back to the room you were in previously.

Only to find it completely empty, of course there were a few bodies on the ground, but Bruce was nowhere to be seen.

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