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Your POV

Barbra came into the room. And you just looked up silently waiting for her to speak.

"I'm going to get you out of here." She eventually said walking over to you.

"Does Jerome know about this?" You asked slightly worried that this was some sort of test.

"No, he doesn't. But my boss said you can't stay here anymore. He needs to let you go."

"Oh." Was all you could say. They never told you who there boss was, something about his plan involved your family so you couldn't know.

"So tonight, Jerome is going out to do some job the boss told him to do. That's when I'll come and get you."

You nodded silently.

She started to make her way back towards the door.

"Barbra?" You asked and she turned around to meet your gaze. "This isn't." You paused. "Some sort of test from Jerome is it?" She looked confused. "Ya know, to see if I'd actually leave him?"

"Trust me y/n, I consider you a friend. Jerome, not so much. This is just between you, me and the boss. Jerome has no idea." She opened the door. "I'll be back tonight. Be ready."

Then she left you alone.

Jerome came in a few hours later to bring you lunch. It was a grilled cheese sandwich.

He sat on the opposite end of the bed and watched you the whole time.

"Is it good?" He asked with a wide smile.

"Yeah, it's pretty good."

His smile widened. "I made it myself."

"Well thank you." You gave him a smile back.

"Thank you...." he rolled his hand.

You rolled your eyes. "Thank you daddy."

"Your welcome." His smile brightened. "Hey, I'll have to leave you alone tonight."

Your heart stopped. You couldn't let him know you were leaving.

'Better play this up right.'

"Awe man, but how am I gonna sleep without you there next to me?" Lately he had been sleeping on the floor less and less. It was like he knew you weren't going to be there forever.

"Oh kitten, I'll be back in the morning. Then you won't have to go another night without me again." He threw his head back and laughed. But then just continued to watch you eat.

When you finished eating, and you finally chugged down the glass of water Jerome kissed your forehead. He showed weird acts of affection like that in between his strange moments of anger.

"I'll be back soon kitten." He whispered into your hair.

You waited until you heard the door lock to get up. You were a bit wobbly, mainly from Tabs telling you to rest your leg, so you only really stood up to go to the bathroom and shower.

You made your way over to the wooden dresser against the wall that Jerome had filled with different outfits he had stolen.

You decided on something warm, a pair of black skinny jeans, and a cropped sweater.

'At least my cheer uniform shoes are good for running.' You thought as you slipped them on. You put your hair in an out of the way fashion and sat in the end of the bed and waited.

Not even an hour had passed before Barbra unlocked the door.

"Alright y/n, Im gonna have to put a bag over your head."

"Let me guess. So I don't accidentally see your boss."

"No, he's out. But he doesn't want you to see where we are. Might give you clues or what not."

"I get it. Let's just get it over with." She tossed you the bag, and you stood up putting it on.

"Hands out." You held out your hands and felt the cold metal of handcuffs. "Alright. Let's go."

She led you out of the room, you heard her lock the door behind you. And she led you to an elevator.

Eventually she helped you into a car, and started driving.

"You can take the hood off now if you want." She told you after a few minutes of driving. You tore it off, your hair slightly messy but you didn't care. "The key to the cuffs is in the cup holder."

Sure enough you looked down and saw the small metal key, it took you a bit, but you eventually got them off, tossing both them, and the key back into the cup holder.

You drove in silence until she pulled into the parking lot of your apartment complex.

"Barbra?" She looked at you as she turned the car off. "If you ever need anything. Anything at all. Just give me a call. No questions asked, I'll help in anyway I can."

"Thanks y/n, you're a good kid. Stay outa trouble will ya?" You chucked as she pulled you into an awkward hug while still sitting in the car. "Oh, and I had Tabs get your car from the school."

You looked through the back window, sure enough the clean white paint of your car shone through the darkness of the parking lot. "Tell her I said thank you." She nodded handing you your own car key that had your apartment key attached.

After you stepped out of the car you watched her drive off.

"I need a drink." You thought aloud walking up to your apartment.

You looked through a few cabinets until you finally found the bottle of half empty wine that Butch had brought over when you first moved out.

You didn't even get a glass, you just sat in the couch taking long drinks from the bottle.

When it was all gone you set the bottle on your coffee table and proceeded to pass out right there in your couch.

Jerome's POV

We finished the job early. It was 2:00 am when we made it back to Galavans place.

Once we walked through the front door I saw Barbra and Tabatha chasing the mayor through the living room, that box still in his head.

I laughed and jogged to y/n's room. I unlocked the door and slipped in. The room was completely dark.

I tiptoed slowly over to the bed. I was just gonna crawl in, and try not to wake her up. But she wasn't there.

My heart started to race with anger.

I opened the bathroom door, she wasn't in the either.

I punched the mirror on the wall and shards of glass fell into the sink below.

I burst though the door to the kitchen where Galavan was.

"WHERE IS SHE?!" I screamed.

"Where is who? Jerome." He was far too calm for my liking.

"Y/n!" I snapped through gritted teeth.

"Oh yes, Miss. Wayne. I let her go a few hours ago."

"YOU WHAT?!" I snapped.

"No need to be so angry Jerome. You'll get her back soon enough, but for now she has to be free so we can continue the plan."

He had a point. As much as I wanted her there NOW. He had a point. The Wayne family was a big part of his plan. And he did say I could have her back again later.

I didn't say anything back to him. I just marched back towards the room. Falling asleep in y/n's bed. Surrounded by her smell.

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