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Over the past few months you had been developing severe migraines. You didn't exactly trust doctors, but you powered through it to get a prescription for a medication that would help a significant amount.

You stood in line at the pharmacy, Saturday's were always busy, but you had just run out of pills the night before, and you had been feeling a migraine creeping up all morning.

You were third in line, and eventually the woman at the front got what she needed and left.

The man in front of you seemed distressed the whole time, you felt bad for him.

You couldn't help but notice how rude the pharmacist was being towards this man.

"No prescription, no pills." The pharmacist snapped in an incredibly rude manor, sliding an empty bottle back towards the man. You didn't appreciate his tone either, it made the oncoming migraine worse.

"Please." The man begged. "My wife needs them, she'll die." This peaked your interest more. He didn't sound like a druggie looking for a fix like so many people in Gotham are. He sounded genuine.

"Listen, go get it refilled and come back, now get out of my shop." He snapped.

The man stormed out, and you felt in your bag for how much cash you had on you. You had been making a habit of carrying around a large amount just in case something happened.

You slapped a couple hundred dollars into the counter along with your prescription. "Fill that and give me a couple bottles of whatever the man in front of me asked for." You snapped.

"Ma'am I can't do that."

"Do you know who I am?" Saying that sentence always made you cringe, but you were determined to help that man out for some reason. "I'm y/n Wayne." You put emphasis on your last name. "I so much as whisper your name to the board of directors at my company and this little pill stand will be burnt to the ground." This got his attention. "I will personally make sure that you'll be cleaning up piss and shit at Archam asylum for the rest of your damn life if you don't give me what I asked for."

He swallowed hard and put your migraine medication into one bag, and six bottles of what the man wanted in another.

You took the bags with a smile. "Thank you. Have a good rest of your night."

You left the store, hoping the man was still close by, then you spotted him in the ally, messing with something in the back of his van.

"Umm, sir?" You asked, trying your best not to startle him.

He turned around sharply holding a strange type of gun you had never seen before.

"What do you want?" He spat, tears threatening to fall down his face.

"I uh, got some of those pills you said you needed." You held up the bag in one hand, and kept your other empty hand up as well.

"You what?" He asked quietly, lowering the gun.

"I didn't like how rude he was being in there. And you actually sounded like you needed them." You paused for a moment, eyes fixed on his gun. "May I come closer?"

He nodded and lowered the gun even more.

"He put six bottles in the bag." You spoke with a soft voice and a small smile.

Tears began to fall as he looked into bag. "Thank you. Oh my god thank you so much." The tears began to fall harder as he set the gun in the back of the van. "How can I repay you?" He called after you as you began to walk out of the ally.

You took out a notebook from your bag and wrote down 'y/n Wayne' right above your phone number. "Just give me a call if you need anything else, that's how you can repay me."

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