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You got up early in the morning, took a long, hot, steamy shower and got dressed.

You never did enjoy dressing up for the public, but today was the day you were fully going out and making your endorsement for Oswald public. You knew you had to look nice.

You were nervous, because at the same time Oswald was telling the public not to fear you, and that you weren't like the other monsters Strange created.

You slipped on a formal black dress and put some leggings on that had a beautiful design cut out on the lower legs. They hid your old burn marks under their black fabric, and you tied it all together with a beautiful pair of heels you had recently found.

True you never were a big heel fan, but you had learned at a young age how to walk in them just fine, and with your pain management skills, it wouldn't be a problem. Hell, you could probably run a few miles in them if you really wanted to.

The dress didn't have sleeves, rather wrapped around the back of your neck. So you wore a loose open sweater over the top. Mainly so your gloves wouldn't look out of place, but also because Gotham has a bad habit of being cold year round.

You did your hair in a style you knew you could do, and that still looked good.

With one last glance in the mirror you took off towards the place Oswalds speech would take place.

Time skip

You parked a few blocks down and walked up, finding Oswald in the crowd.

"Oh thank God you're here." Oswald made his way over to you. "I was beginning to think you wouldn't show up.

You chuckled. "Ossie, Im here an hour early. And I wouldn't miss this for the world." You smiled and found a place to wait.

Eventually the cameras started rolling, and the reporters held their microphones, egar to get a good story.

Oswald made his way up onto the stage. "I am very pleased to fully announce the fact that I am officially running to be the new Mayor of Gotham." People clapped, and Oswald waited a moment until they died down. "And now I would like to introduce you to a good friend. Y/n Wayne." There were mutters among the audience. "I can assure to you that y/n is nothing like the other monsters that Strange created. She was simply a victim of his experiments and poses absolutely no harm." People seemed to mutter in agreement.

He held out his hand for you to join him so you did.

"It's true I spent a good amount of time at Indian Hill. But like Oswald said before, I am absolutely nothing like his other creations." You couldn't bring yourself to say the word 'monster' "I'm still the same y/n Wayne that went in. And with that I'd like to properly announce that I, y/n Wayne fully endorse Oswald Cobblepot as Mayor. I've known Oswald for many years, and he has always been an amazing friend to me. He has saved my life and pride on multiple occasions." Sudden memories of when he saved you from being raped my Galavans nephew flashed through your mind. "There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that Oswald will be the best Mayor Gotham has ever seen."

People around you cheered and clapped with enthusiasm. And eventually the cameras turned off. In the sea of reporters you spotted a familiar face, Valerie Vale. The woman who bumped into you at your apartment a while back. You gave her a smirk and turned back to Oswald.

"I've got one more favor to ask." Oswald started.

"Of course anything."

Time skip

You were on your way with Oswald to Archam, he told you that he had an old friend there that he wanted released.

"So who is it anyway?" You asked as you drove.

"Edward Nygma." He said with a tight smile.

"Oh hey I know him. He helped me out after the party where Jerome died." You flinched mentioning his name. "Used to work for the GCPD right?"

"That's him. He's going to be incredibly helpful with the mayoral race."

You smiled. "Well I mean he is incredibly smart from what I've heard so I'm not about to doubt him."

After a while you pulled into the asylum.

You Oswald and the new guy running the place walked down a long hallway to his office.

"I'd like an inmate released." Oswald spoke as the three of you entered his office.

"I can't do that." He spoke. He did seem rather stressed.

You decided to step in. "Hey, if you just release Mr. Nygma we can be sure you find a better place than here to work." You smirked. "How does chief medical examiner at Wayne Enterprises sound Hmm?" You asked. "As a Wayne I can get you that position today. Or with Oswald as Mayor, he could get you any other position you desire."

"I'm sorry Miss. Wayne, but the process would take a long time. There would have to be a full evaluation, and a court trial..." Oswald finally cut him off.

"Well you could choose option B. I'm going to be Mayor no matter what, and once I am I'll make sure you never leave this hell hole. And not running it as you are now. No, I'll make sure you spend the rest of your miserable existence scrubbing floors and emptying inmate chamber pots!" Oswald was red in the face from the stress and yelling.

You finished his statement. "You know I hope you like the taste of shit and piss because I've heard inmates here have a bad habit of force feeding it to their 'care takers'." You flashed a dangerous a smile his way.

Time skip

A few hours later you had finally gotten word that Edward Nygma was being officially released as sane from the Asylum.

Oswald couldn't be happier, so you were driving back to pick him up.

As you approached the front gate you saw Ed talking to the same man from before through the gate, the small man looked horrified.

As you came to a stop Ed turned around to see Oswald leaning out the window. "Hello, old friend."

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