| 5 | We Couldn't Stop Him

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| Damons POV |

Looking out the small window all that passed me by were white clouds and blue skies. Headphones were plugged in my ears but the soft rock music did nothing to drown out my thoughts of Ariel. The more time I had on my hands to think, the more time I thought about her. In the back of my mind I think thats why I mindlessly worked late hours and slept around with women, because I had to try and erase her from my head. I had to forget about Ariel and what it was that made her so damn special.

Tonight my thoughts didn't let up. On the outside I was as calm and collected as I always would be but on the inside my nerves were eating me alive. Something deep in my gut was telling me that Ariel was in deep pain and went through a horrible experience; it was there in her voice, she was always so shy and happy but on that video chat she sounded beat up and defeated. Her voice was so raspy it was as if the life had been choked out of her.

I clenched my jaw as I thought of her in pain with tears running down her cheeks and if I were to ever find out that her useless boyfriend had anything to do with making her upset... they would never find the body.

When it came to Ariel all I felt was this need to keep her protected and make sure she always had a smile on her face. The past four years with her gone, I failed at that. The minute I let her walk out of my apartment that night I failed but I had to do it. Ive said it so many times and I have to keep repeating it to myself, Im no good for her.

My thoughts are cut short when I feel my head phones being pulled off of me. I glance to the side and see Emma sitting in the empty seat next to mine. She had a determined look on her face as she took in a deep breath and spoke her first words to me since we got on the plane.

"I don't know what happened with Ari or why she wants us there early, but what I do know is I want you to behave yourself..."

God damn it, this lecture from my baby sister is not what I needed right now. Im not going there to charm the pants off of her. Im going there to make sure she's okay, for some reason until I know that she's okay my body won't allow me to relax. I opened my mouth to speak my piece but she held up a hand quickly making my lips seal shut again.

"Years ago when Ari went to your place to say goodbye, I don't know what happened but something did happen," her eyes held mine as she spoke "When she came back something in her demeanor changed. It's like she couldn't wait to leave and start her new life in Colorado. Always made me wonder if you hurt her feelings that night — "

"Em, listen I — "

She held up her hand again stopping me, this time her eyes held fire behind them and I knew she was angry, angry because she knew whatever happened between her best friend and I, it wasn't good.

"My point here is, if you guys ended things on bad terms just don't be an ass and bring it up. Leave it in the past. Allow yourself the comfort of seeing she's okay and be there for her as a friend but don't you dare hypnotize her with your sweet words and charming attitude. Your my brother and I love you like crazy but I consider her my sister and she deserves all the best. She deserves someone who knows how to love her."

"I couldn't agree more with you Em." I tried my best to force a smile on my lips. It stung that even my baby sister knew I couldn't love her the way she deserves it.

Her eyes searched mine for a moment before nodding her head and leaned forward giving me a tight hug. "I love you Dae," she mumbled against me. I chuckled softly knowing she didn't like saying those words to me. I kissed the top of her head and mumbled back "I love you too Em."

She slowly pulled away from my embrace and sighed, there was a sadness in her eyes. I had no idea why though.

"I wish you believed in love Dae because you deserve to feel it too. Going from girl to girl is going to get tiring and meaningless, when you're with someone you care about its that much more fullfilling. I wish you'd give love a chance. As much as I want Ari to be happy, I want that for you too."

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