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| Damon |

"Aden? Isn't that your friend from high school Damon?" my mom questioned and as my insides burned with fire all I had the strength to do was nod her way as she continued. "She has a date with him?" she paused to look at me and cleared her throat, the tension in the room grew.

"Oh well," she smiled "Good for her, she deserves to have fun and from what I remember Aden is a sweetheart. They should get along perfectly."

She's respecting your wishes. She was yours; she gave you a chance and your dumbass pushed her away and right into the arms of the man you knew you would lose her too. I was really starting to get frustrated at that little voice inside my head.

Or maybe I was just mad at myself.

I grit my teeth so hard at the vision of Ariel and Aden walking hand and hand on a date. His words making her laugh and then at the end of the night, his lips on hers... My jaw clenched and the clear empty glass in my hand could have broken at the intensity that I was griping it; I was trying so hard to keep my emotions in check for my family who surrounded me.

"Damon, you alright over there?" Uncle Eric questioned.

"If he grips that glass any harder, it will shatter into a million pieces..."

Tyler's voice was clearly amused as he spoke my way. Looking up at him, I found him grinning behind his beer bottle, clearly, he saw the jealousy rising in me because he knew much more than he led on. I never felt the urge so strong to punch him in years.

After making my anger known to Tyler, I sighed and ran a shaken hand through my now disheveled hair and tipped my empty glass toward my Uncle "I'm fine. Can I get a refill please?"

Raising a brow, it seemed like my Uncle was questioning whether he should get me a second drink or not but eventually he sighed and nodded, getting up and plucking the glass from my hand.

As he walked over to the mini bar in the corner of the dining room, Emma finally spoke what everyone was too afraid to speak of.

"Calm yourself, Damon." She tried to whisper but it was a huge fail, my mother has the ears of a bat.

"Damon, did something happen?" my mom questioned

I slapped my hands on my thighs and glared my baby sister's way with a long sigh. She simply shrugged her shoulders as if to say 'She's going to find out sooner or later.'

"I..." I stumbled upon my words unsure of where to start but there was no point in evading the conversation now. "I don't..." my words failed me again as I groaned.

Gulping down the last of his drink, Dean shook his head and sighed "Man what the fuck did you do to that girl?"

"Man, would you shut the fuck up, you just assume its my fault!"

He incredulously rose a brow and scoffed.

"Damon! Don't you dare use the tone or that language in my house, in front of me!" My mother's eyes bore into me and I suddenly felt like a little teen boy getting scolded at for getting mud all over the carpet.

"Don't expect us to defend you when you don't tell us anything and ignore us for a month's time. Maybe if you confided in your family for once, we could help you."

I looked down at my lap and rubbed the back of my neck, feeling like an immature kid again "I'm Sorry Mom, your right."

Silence engulfed the room until Uncle Eric walked in with my fresh two fingers of whiskey and handed me the glass before sitting back down next to my mom.

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