| 16 | Árdanas

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| Damon |

My mind was running on overdrive and I kept trying to think of ways in which to explain how I felt to her. What exactly happened in her kitchen earlier that night...Truthfully I was still trying to get a grip on everything myself but I knew she deserved an answer, thats the least I could do is comfort her after being such a coward and walking away. I didn't know what was going through that beautiful mind of hers but I wanted to know. Her eyes held pain but her stoic face told me she wasn't happy with me in the least.

I glanced over at her in my passenger seat as we drove through the backstreets of our town, our town of Albany was huge but where I had decided to take her was no where in our town but in the smaller town over. My eyes decided to glance her way over so often and watch her as the yellow city lights glowed over her face or simply as the overcasting of the moon shadowed her features. She looked so beautiful and she was dressed so simply but that was the normal with Ariel, she was a simple girl and she wore it beautifully. It was extremely sexy to find a girl that can turn such a simple outfit into the most ravishing thing.

Her hair was up in a loose ponytail with fallen strands of hair cascading down her neck and a few laying on her cheeks. She had very little make up on if any, I couldn't exactly make it out but her eyes more prominent as if there was a glow to them. She was wearing some light blue, loose fitted jeans, torn at the knees and rolled up at the ankle with a white tank top and a striped button up shirt over it.

Again the style was so simple but it had me white knuckling my steering wheel in order to gain some control of my body and not tear every article of clothing off of her gorgeous curves.

I had to push all our sexual tension to the back of me mind and just focus on her — our friendship tonight. Damn, even thinking the word gutted me and I had no idea why. My emotions were a mess and they have been for the past two months.

I wanted her to smile at me again. I wanted back her fire, her growing confidence. I saw a difference, there was a difference from the Ariel I once knew and the Ariel she is today and I craved it like a fish craves water.

But tonight she seemed dejected, she didn't seem as confident or flirty with me and it was killing me because I knew it was because of my rush to leave her house earlier. It was my mission to make her smile with me again tonight and I knew just how to do it.

I had my fingers crossed that  she was still a sucker for Mediterranean food because that was my first stop. I needed to get her dinner, she was probably starving since we had skipped dinner at Emmas. I swerved into a parking spot and parked the car, cutting the ignition a smile broke on my face as I looked over at her.

Her lips were parted in shock and her eyes widened. "Árdanas?" Her teeth nibbled on her lower lip before she finally turned her head and her eyes met mine. It was the first time she looked my way the whole car ride. "Damon this place is way out of my price range!" She almost squeaked out in shock.

I knew very well how expensive this place was but I also knew how much she loved the food and I knew she would enjoy every bit of it here. Money wasn't an option with her, the fact she even thought she was going to have to pay sent my blood boiling. "Don't worry about the prices. Im paying tonight and any other night I take you somewhere, understood?" My voice was firm with authority and my rose a brow questioningly.

Her eyes squinted with suspicion "If you think your way of making this up to me is to buy me — "

I held my hand up cutting her off, she was getting me more pissed off and I didn't know if it was purposely or not. "No. That is not what I am trying to do. I know you have an obsession with Mediterranean food and this is one of the best places around, I just want you to get the experience, enjoy the food."

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