| 15 | Embarrassed and Rejected

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| Damon |

The tension in this room is so thick you can cut it with a knife and the only two people who feel it are Ariel and myself. I have nobody to blame for this painfully awkward tension but myself. Its not awkward in the sense that she feels uncomfortable standing a few feet away from me, no, its awkward as in she's pissed and ignoring me. She won't even look my way and hasn't said more than two words to me since I walked in, even then all she gave me was a polite hello and the fake smile if I had ever seen one — she knew I could tell her smile was fake but that was her goal to make it known that she was not happy with me.

Like I said, I don't blame her one bit. Earlier this afternoon, after the sexually charged slip up between us in her kitchen I ran. I said no more than three words to her and those words weren't even a comfort of any kind.

"I should go." I told her before brushing past her like my ass was on fire and whispering a quiet "Ill see you at Emmas tonight." Then I hauled ass out of the house and took off on my motorcycle. I rode that baby until I had to finally turn back and go home to get ready for dinner but the whole ride all I thought about was what had just happened with Ariel.

I ran from her like a damn coward and I couldn't be more pissed at myself. Yes I needed to get my head on straight and be alone with my thoughts but I knew it was such an asshole thing for me to just leave without reassuring her or comforting her in any way.

Taking a sip of the wine in my hand, I grimaced, I even felt disgusted right now lowering my inhibitions while acting like everything was all good, talking to Tyler. Everything wasn't good. Everything was a mess now. I had to fix it.

Taking a grip back on reality, my ears started to pick up Tylers voice again as my mind began interpreting his words into sentences.

"...so after that, Emma was begging for my cock so much, she got down on her knees and — "

I choked on the red liquor in my mouth, and my body wracked with a fit of coughs.The image going through my mind was almost enough for me to want my brain surgically removed. Im going to kill this fuck.

His laughter eventually drowned out my coughing and he started patting my back. I growled and shrugged away from his touch. "What the fuck did you just say Ty?" But eyes glared his way and my voice was anything but caring towards my future brother in law.

The grin on his face was a mile wide and his laughs were slowly subsiding. "I was fucking with you man. I was five minutes in on my conversation before I realized you weren't even paying attention. I had to get you back from la-la land somehow."

I wiped the wine from my lips with the back of my hand and licked my lips. Staring him down, my fist curled at my side and my jaw twitched. "Still. You say some shit like that again about my sister and I will throw you across the room."

This kid was too confident for his own good. His grin stayed on his face and he shrugged, taking a sip of his beer. He knew I was bullshitting to an extent because I wouldn't touch him, we had gotten close over time and I was glad Emma found someone who could make her so happy — despite how badly it began. He should make no mistake though, if he ever does hurt Emma in any way I will gladly beat him to a bloody pulp.

He shook his head and eyed me up and down "Seriously though Damon. What the hell is wrong with you tonight? You're like a million miles away and you keep staring at — " he paused and craned his neck to follow my line of view. I tried to quickly avert my gaze from Ariel but it was too late, he caught on quick that it was her I was staring at.

"Ahh," he nodded his head and turned back my way "I know exactly what you were too busy thinking about, or should I say who." He rose a brow with humor.

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