| 35 | Loved and Lost

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A/N: OMG! Hiya guys!😁 Im so glad to finally be back and continue on with Ariel and Damons story!😄 Im so sorry if I took so long, I was just trying to heal and get back into the swing of things. Even now it still isn't easy but I feel a lot better and more motivated to start up writing again. This chapter may be a little shorter than my others but it's a transition between Ariel and Damons falling out and moving forward. 

I hope you love it!😘 Enjoy!

| Ariel |

Would you rather have loved and lost or never loved at all?

If someone were to ask me such a question right now, a thousand times over I would respond with I would have rather loved and lost.

And that is exactly what happened.

I still stand with that view and wouldn't change my mind because of our ending. Loving Damon was one of the sweetest things I could put my heart through and it also ended up being the most painful thing, but it is said that sometimes one is not achieved without the other. I took a chance on him and embraced every minute. I felt and still feel no regret because every day, every minute I spent with Damon was one I cherished, despite now knowing how it would end.

I did hold out hope, a small ray of it but regardless it was wrong of me to, knowing how he felt but this is reality and in the real world you don't always get your fairytale ending with the perfect prince but you get awfully close.

Lena's voice quickly snapped me from my inner self reflection. "Ari?" her voice unusually sweet as opposed to her natural playful, teasing tone. "Have you spoken to Damon at all?"

The elephant in the room has finally making its presence know.

It has been one month, 31 days to be exact since the morning after my birthday, since I have spoken to Damon. I would be offended and hurt that he has been avoiding me however it is not just me, he hasn't spoken to anyone during this time. He has been totally MIA and the only person he calls – to assure he is okay – is his mom and even then, he only calls every so often.

The week after my birthday, Emma and the family became suspicious and started hounding me as to where Damon was and why they couldn't get ahold of him, the whole time thinking he was busy with me. Eventually I caved and confessed to Emma and Lena, over vanilla ice cream and Emma's homemade double chocolate brownies, everything that happened between Damon and I, from the night we first had sex to the night of my birthday and the morning after.

They weren't the least bit shocked; hurt that I didn't confide in them sooner, maybe...but I reassured them that I simply wanted to live in timed fairytale bubble with Damon without judgement or pity. Emma took it harder; she loved her brother but hated the way he pushed me away.

Blowing the hot cup of coffee that was cradled in my hands, my lips hovered over the rim as I peered up at my girls sat across from me. "Nope." I mumbled softly.

"He called mom a couple days ago. He is doing busy supposedly. He's vague as always so I don't know much more than that." Emma pipped up before popping into her mouth, a large bite of the sticky cinnamon bun in front of her.

Lena shook her head and let out a frustrated breath "I don't understand why he insists on acting this way? The silent treatment is a bit childish."

I shook my head "I don't think it's the silent treatment Le, I highly doubt he would be giving everyone the silent treatment." I shrugged then, a quick thought coming up in mind. "I think he may just need a break from it all. Maybe take time to be alone with his thoughts?"

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