| Prologue |

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HERE WE GO GUYS!😁 I wish I had a drumroll for you LOL! We have waited way too long for Ariel and Damons story but the wait is finally over! Enjoy the ride, because it will be a rollercoaster, and I can't wait to hear what you guys think!

Words: 3,546

| Ariel |

| One Year Prior |

"Oh my god..." my words came out breathless and mute as the music around me drowned out my voice. My heart beat at an abnormal rhythm watching him stroll into the backyard from behind the long driveway. He looked as sexy and handsome as the first day Emma introduced me to her bog brother, but that was nothing new. He was wearing all black; black pants and a black button up over a black blazer. His hair was perfectly combed back, off to the side and a hard look was prominent on his beautiful face. He looked around the wedding reception as if he was on a mission, he was looking for someone and I think I knew exactly who.

My nerves began to set in as my heart beat even faster than before and just as I gripped the hem of my floor length bridesmaid gown, ready to run, his mom and Uncle Eric approached him with excited smiles, no doubt both happy and shocked to see him but I was anything but.

Seeing him made my heart hurt and for so many different reasons. The biggest one was the night before I left for college.

I couldn't let him see me, I had to get out of here. As selfish as it sounded to leave my best friends wedding over this, I just couldn't face him. Looking at him reminds me of just how much I love him and how that love makes me a naive, pathetic little girl.

I heard my newly engaged best friend, Emma call out to me but her voice was muffled by the strong beat of my heart and my erratic breathing; not to mention the sound system blaring music throughout the lavish backyard wedding.

"Ari, what is it?" I was now able to recognize that voice as the brides, who was also my best friend, Lena.

My eyes were locked on him from afar and I couldn't turn away, as much as I wanted to he always had a way of drawing me in without even knowing he was. "I-I..." A breath finally left my lips as I tried my best to make words and form a sentence. I did the one thing I always did when this man crossed my mind. I snapped my head towards my best friends and said "I have to find Drew."

I ran.

Fisting the bottom of my dress in my hands, I ran away from Damon Hendrix's sight and right into the arms of the one person who I knew could never fill the void in my heart. Even though I knew he couldn't, I tried my hardest to get my heart to agree with my mind and realize that Andrew was the best man I could get. He is no Damon, and I don't even think he is the love of my life, but he's secure.

Exactly what a girl wants in her prince charming, right? Security.

Cue sarcasm.

I took one last glance back at the girls before jogging across the dance floor in my heels; they were now shouting over the music amongst their husbands or soon to be husbands in Emmas case, with confused looks on their faces. I felt disappointed in myself that I couldn't confide in my best friends about what was currently going on in my life, how I was feeling, and how much my emotions were taking a toll on me but they were so happy and I love them too much to bring a shit storm of drama into their lives at this point in time.

I shook my head from my thoughts of them as I finally reached the bar where Andrew stood, taking a sip from the drink he was nursing and flirting with the blonde bartender. I fought the urge to roll my eyes and ignore the pain in my chest that I wasn't good enough for him.

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