| 36 | Night Visions

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| Damon |

Snapping the black gloves off my hand I tossed them into the trash can in the corner and slid open the black curtain, stepping out of the room where I had just finished a large chest piece that took more than three sessions. 

"Hey Mike." I let out a tired breath, cracking my neck, as I approached the hulking mass of my co-worker. Mike was a huge dude, bigger than me in mass but just about my height with a short cropped marine haircut, which makes sense being he is a vet.  

"Lucee was my last right?" I questioned stepping behind the desk and checking the scheduler on the computer.

He nodded his head, running a hand through his dark beard "Yeah. I saw the ink you did on her; it came out phenomenal man." He praised.

I had to admit, considering the miserable bastard I have been this past month it would take a lot to make me smile but I couldn't help the tug upon my lips as he said that – it definitely didn't reach my eyes but hearing his praise was an honor and it made me feel good that my work impressed him.

Ive been working so hard the past month -- anything to get my mind off her and keep my sanity. 

For the past few weeks I have been working at this large, well known tattoo shop in town called Gallery One Tattoo Shop. It's just a stepping stone to what I have really been working so hard on in a one month's time span.

"Thanks." I clocked out on the current screen and shoved my phone into my jeans before standing straight and walking around the front desk "I'm out man. I'll see you tomorrow."

Before I could reach the front door and give my head a much-needed rest, his voice called out to me once more "Hey! Hold up Hendrix."

I turned on my heel "Yeah?"

He nudged his head towards the closed off rooms and spoke "A few of us are hitting O'Keefe's tonight, you in?"

O'Keefe's was a bar and pool hall right across the street from the tattoo shop. For the past three weeks they have invited me and for the past three weeks I have been an antisocial fuck and said no and tonight was no different but for good reason this time.

"Nah man, I got dinner reservations tonight."

He rose a brow, a small smirk curling on his lips "Hot date?"

At the mention of a hot date my heart dropped into my stomach and one very curvy, very sweet redhead invaded my mind. I could still smell the sweet floral notes on her skin if I tried hard enough. Every day I tried to forget and every day it became harder.

I cleared my throat "Far from it." Which was the truth, I felt hopeless and broken, I couldn't even look at another woman with such appreciation in the way I did Ariel. My hot date tonight was finally showing my face at my mom's house for family dinner. When I spoke to her on the phone a few days ago she had told me in passing they were having a dinner on Saturday and the whole family would be there – in case I wanted to come, she said.

I loved my mom, she was so devoted and understanding with her kids, me especially and I truly appreciated her giving me my time and space to get myself together and my head straight – even if I was the furthest thing from put together.

I said my goodbyes to Mike and promised him a raincheck to which he responded "I'll hold you to that!"

I walked out into the crisp fall night as the door to the tattoo shop slammed behind me. Taking long strides, I got to the front of my bike in record time and quickly straddled it but before even slipping my helmet on I took a few minutes to collect my thoughts.

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