| 34 | A New Chapter...?

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| Damon |

Taking the eraser, I rubbed it against the paper, fixing the mistakes in my sketch. It's 3 in the morning and I only slept a couple of hours before I woke up in a flash. My mind is stressed and full of thoughts. How was I supposed to sleep with so many things running through my mind at a mile a minute?

Last night with Ariel was nothing short of amazing, it was one of the best nights I have had with a woman but then again, every night I spend with Ariel is amazing, even if it's just sitting on the couch and watching a movie with a hot chocolate. The thought makes me smile, she's such a sucker for hot chocolate, even in the hottest of weather.

I sigh and erase another mistake. I can't even concentrate on my drawings; all I can concentrate on is last night and everything it meant but shouldn't have meant.

I look over beside myself and take in her sleeping form. The navy bed sheets are wrapped around her body like a pretzel, one of her bare legs poking out of the sheet and her back bare of any covers. Her hair was wildly splayed on the pillow and in front of her face. Her pouty lips slightly open and small breaths were puffing in and out.

I chuckled at the image, she looked like a woman deeply satisfied and I couldn't help but want to beat my chest at the primal feeling of pride that overtook me, having completely tired out my woman.

I swallowed thickly at the thought. My woman.

I groaned and let my head fall back on the headboard. There is the problem; I'm feeling things I shouldn't be feeling for Ariel and I need to check myself, take a step back and remember what this is between us, but honestly, it's getting harder by the day.

The words she spoke to me last night are a part of what's been keeping me awake. "I love you Damon." Those words hit me like a ton of bricks. I knew she was in love with me but hearing her say it makes it feel all that more real.

Sitting up from the bed slowly, so I don't wake her, I rounded the bed and out of the corner of my eyes saw her shiver. My heart clenched and I wasted no time in fixing the sheets, bringing them up over her waist and making sure her whole body was warmed by them. She snuggled deeper into the bed and I smiled.

My smile fell when I realized what I was doing. I sighed and moved away from the bed walking into the bathroom.

What the hell am I doing?! I scolded myself internally, as I looked into the mirror. Who the fuck am I right now?!

I groaned and ran a frustrated hand through my hair. I felt the connection last night, I feel the deep and intense meaning behind the amazing fuck we had last night – something in the back of my mind was telling me it wasn't as simple as an amazing fuck.

Did we actually make love last night? It sure as hell felt different. I have never felt such an intense connection and unbearable passion. 

Turning on the faucet, I splashed palm-fulls of cold water on to my face, anything to wake myself up and bring myself back to reality. Therein lies the problem, I already was in reality. Me and Ariel, last night, it wasn't a dream.

Caring for her the way that I have been for the past few weeks is something I would have never done with any other woman but I always attributed it to her being so close to me and my family. She was more than just another girl, so caring for her came so easily to me but after tonight, I'm starting to rethink things and doubt that I'm so caring towards her simply because she is so close to my family and I.

I gripped the edge of the sink, my eyes closing, water trickling down from my face. I think back to all the things I've done for her. The dinners, the movie nights, the cuddles, the sweet words, caring for her when she was sick a couple weeks ago, finding out new ways to make her smile...all of it was coming back to me and hitting me at full force.

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