| 23 | The Morning After

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| Ariel |

That feeling is back. That bittersweet feeling but this time it had heightened because that heavy soreness between my thighs feels so good despite the small soreness of my muscles. Sitting up in the bed, I squinted as the sun filtered through the large window. I groaned softly and lifted my arms over my head to stretch my muscles. The tightness in them felt so good and reminded me of the amazing night I had with an even more amazing man.

I looked to the side and saw Damon still fast asleep, very soft snores were coming from him as his back rose up and down in even breathing — this time he was laid on his stomach and one arm laid under his pillow, while the other hung off the side of the bed. I bit my lower lip to suppress a laugh, he looked so sexy and adorable at that same time, is that even possible?

My eyes grazed over his body as my mind recalled at the events from last night. I have never felt such pleasure, orgasmed so hard that Ive cried and Damon made that happen. It was him, he knew how to play my body like a guitar by the end of the night, he knew every cord to stroke to make me hit the highest notes. I sighed in content as I leaned down to place a kiss on his bare back — one kiss turned into two and two turned into three, as I kissed my way down his back.

I stopped there, I wasn't going to wake him this time, morning was here and I wasn't sure what to do or how to go through the next few moments of my life. If this was a different situation, if we were in a different point in our relationship; if you could call it that; I would be getting dressed in one of his shirts and fussing around his kitchen to make him this huge breakfast fit for a king, just to put a smile on his face and just maybe wait for him to wake up with a cup of coffee in my hands, as I looked out the window at the beautiful city scenery — just like I picture in my car when I got here last night...

But that isn't us and we aren't in such a situation...

He said it would just be one night, one absolutely unforgettable night but one night nonetheless; so what do I do now? Do I treat this as a one night stand? Ive never had one before in my life but I imagine I should just get up, get dressed and leave — should I even leave a note?

A note Ariel? Really? Its the 21st century... I scolded myself. Well I could always text him that I had to rush home because my dad was worried and —

My eyes suddenly widened and a gasped escaped my mouth. Oh shit! My dad!

I jumped out of the bed, letting the sheet fall from my body. I quickly and as quietly as I could started racing around the room, picking up all my clothes, I should have taken a quick shower but there was no time, I needed to rush home before my dad has a heart attack.

I ran into Damons bathroom and washed my face with some cool water. Spotting a tube of toothpaste on the sink, I squirted some on my finger and did a quick finger brush of my mouth, it wasn't ideal but it was the best I could do right now. After washing my face and brushing my teeth, I slipping my panties through my feet, up my legs and followed by sliding my denim t-shirt dress on and slipping the buttons through the holes. My booties were on my feet quicker at lightening speed and I circled the belt around my waist, opening the bathroom door while still trying to fasten the buckle on my belt.

Too busy concentrating on what I was doing, I didn't realize Damon had woken up and startled me with his husky morning voice.

"Trying to slip out on me princess?"

My head shot up, my eyes wide. His green eyes twinkled knowingly and a smirk tipped up on his lips. He sat up on the bed with the sheets barley covering his body, his chest and legs on display for my viewing pleasures — the only thing hidden under the sheets? That thick piece of velvet steel that had me currently biting my lip subconsciously.

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