| 40 | Once last chance

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A/N: Guess who's back? Back again! 

Miss me...?😉

| Ariel |

Stretching my arms over what I'm sure was my messy bedhead, I wiggled my toes under my sheets and whined like a litter girl not ready in the slightest to get up for school. I nuzzled my face back into my pillow and breathed in deeply, my eyes fluttering closed again, ready to slip back into a sleep coma. It was Saturday morning and I had no pending orders to attend to, thank god! I think I deserved to sleep in!

Ever since Haley posted on her blog about my small online pastry business, I slowly but surely started to get swamped with orders and not just from our town but from various towns over! I'm more than grateful for all of it but I'm also more than a little exhausted. Baking on your feet until the late night then waking up again early morning to do some deliveries will do that to a girl.

As soon as I felt myself falling and feeling as light as a feather in my bedsheet cocoon, a loud ping from my cell phone altered me. Groaning again I stretched over and slapped my hand on the bedside table, feeling around for the insensitive device.

"I swear to god if that's..."

My sleepy words were cut off as if I had just been choked when I saw the text message that had come through. My angered state soon melted away and I felt myself slowly sitting up on the bed.

"...Damon." I voiced in a hushed whisper.

Damon: Good Morning princess...

The rest of the message cut off until I entered my pin number and unlocked my phone to view it, but that start was enough to get a cheesy schoolgirl smile on my face, subconsciously of course.

As I unlocked my phone and read the rest of it, I felt myself blushing as well but not because it was lude and dirty but because it was sweet.

Damon: It's the way you move your toes beneath the blanket that lets me know your super comfy, especially watching late movies on the couch.

This is exactly how my mornings for the past two weeks have been. Damon and I haven't seen each other since the day he showed up at my dad's house and professed his love for me but that doesn't mean that has stopped him in his mission to show me.

Every morning he will send me the sweetest good morning text with something he loves about me every day. He says he wants me to be reminded every morning of his love for me. Some days I still can't believe it and it feels like I'm in someone else body, living someone else's life but then I realize I'm not and the man of my dreams is actual trying to prove I have his heart.

I don't doubt him but I like keeping him on his toes, especially since he put me through all the doubt and heartache.

Before I have a chance to get to the bathroom and brush my teeth...and my hair, the doorbell is ringing.

Well, seems I'm very popular today. I think to myself before rushing down the stairs, also before putting a second thought into the fact that I am solely in my soft cotton white bunny PJs, which consisted of loosely hanging pants and a thin strapped tank top that said Anybunny wanna cuddle?

Don't judge me, I have a soft spot for cute little bunnies! Not very sporty of me but my innocent side takes over most times.

As soon as I open the door I'm greeted with a brightly smiling Emma, her smile quickly turns into an amused expression trying her hardest not to laugh as she looks up and down at my PJs.

Loving DamonWhere stories live. Discover now