| 21 | Their One Night

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| Ariel |

I can feel how wet I am and the throbbing in my core intensifies as he watch me. I have a moment of panic and insecurity when he spreads my legs even wider and pauses to stare at me in the glow of the streets lights outside.

Shyness overcomes me and I want to close my legs again, what if its too much? What if he doesn't like it? Andrew never made it a point to stare at me with such intensity, he just went right for the kill.

His lips kiss their way up the inside of my thighs and he finally mumbles against my soft skin "Baby," he groans out, his voice thick, clearly with lust. "Im eating this pussy until you scream yourself hoarse."

Every thread of doubt suddenly flies out the window and my body tenses in anticipation, my heart beat thrumming against my chest as he nibbles at the sensitive spot at the top of of my inner thigh. I wiggle beneath him my whimper coming out needy. He's teasing me and I'm ready to just grip his hair with my fingers tight and shove his lips right where I want them.

I blush at my thoughts, unable to comprehend what's happening to me. Ive never felt this needy and aroused; this desired...

My fingers found their way to his hair and sank into it. He suddenly gripped my hips and hauled me closer to him, pushing my thighs up and out.

A squeal of surprise left my lips "Damon!"

His bright green eyes lifted and locked on me, a mischievous smile on his lips. "Tell me what you want."

My cheeks became warmer as my blush intensified and I wondered if he read my thoughts about shoving his face exactly where I wanted it. I chewed on my lower lip nervously, I couldn't actually tell him that could I? I see the intense fire and desire in his eyes and I want his animalistic reaction to my words but just thinking about saying...

"Your thinking too much baby," Damons husky whisper cut me from my thoughts as his fingers teasingly rubbed up and down my thighs, so close to where I wanted him but so far.

I closed my eyes and shivered slightly at his touch "I want you..."

"You want me to...?"

I groaned and shifted slightly beneath him, I couldn't take the throbbing want in between my legs, I wanted to rub them together, I needed friction. Actually scratch that I needed his delicious mouth suckling at me.

"Dae, Please..." I cried out, my hands gripping at the sheets.

I gasped at the sudden feeling of his blunt teeth giving a soft bite to my inner thigh, then soothing it with a open mouth kiss. "Do you want me to eat out this pretty pussy first, fuck you with my cock, fuck those pretty tits, begging for my attention? Tell me now Ariel."

He was so demanding and his voice rough. Nobody had ever asked me what I wanted or what I liked, Nobody had ever been so dirty with me in the bedroom period -- Ive only had one man as experience anyway but still the difference was so drastic, deliciously drastic.

His body suddenly hovered on top of mine. His hands pressed down on the mattress, one on each side of my head, cadging my entire body beneath his. His eye bore into mine.

"I know you aren't this shy little girl anymore Ariel. You're a beautiful woman, with needs, who isn't afraid to ask for what she wants, and I'll tell you something princess", he paused with a smirk "you're not going to get it until you ask me for it."

His words and his intense stare lighted up a blast of desire deep down in my belly. And with the twitch of a smirk appearing on his lips, I suddenly found myself wanting to challenge him. Wanting to tell him exactly what I wanted and showing him exactly how to do it. Licking my lips, I looked up at him from beneath my lashes and breathed out my response. "I want you to ruin me." His Adams apple bobbed as he swallowed thickly and I continued, my hands trailing lightly up his chest. "I want your face in between my legs, eating me out until I scream myself hoarse, just like you promised and then fuck me until I can't remember my own name."

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