| 6 | An Anger He Never Felt Before

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| Ariel | 

Looking down with my hands in my lap and my fingers frantically tangling together as my right leg shook up and down, I took in a deep breath trying to collect my thoughts and calm down long enough to tell my best friends, scratch that, family, a story I should have told them a long time ago. I can't help but be thankful I had such patient and understanding people in my life that they would wait until I was ready to speak up.

It has felt like hours that Ive been sat on my couch but ion reality it has only been a few minutes. As soon as I voiced out to Damon and Andrew and I were history he shut his mouth and asked to come inside. Obviously I let him. We all got comfortable and I offered everyone drinks, then before I knew it I was seated with everyone gathering around waiting to hear why exactly I needed them here a day earlier than my actual graduation.

Emma and Lena sat to my left, Emmas hand rubbing my shoulder encouragingly. Ricki sat to my right and Damon stood in front of me, his hands in his pockets, waiting just as patiently as everyone else.

Ricki nudged me lightly in the ribs with his elbow and it caused me to take a glance up at him and when I did he pointed with his eyes towards the group, his hand squeezed my leg to give me the strength I needed to finally speak up.

"You guys know I broke up with Andrew tonight but you don't know is why and the reason is why I needed you guys here tonight," I looked over at Lena and Emma "I couldn't keep this secret any longer. It's like a ten pound weight on my shoulders."

Damon raised a brow "What secret Ariel?" He voice already sounded weary.

"Please just don't say anything until I am finished...please." I needed to get through it without anyones emotions getting the best of them in the middle of my telling. Hint, Damon.

Everyone seemed to nod their heads and be in agreement, however it didn't get past me that Damon was quiet and stood as still as a statue with not one word said.

Why do I have a feeling he won't keep his emotions in check until I finish?

I willed my leg to stop shaking and took in a huge deep breath, that deep breath almost had me grasping my throat because the slightest amount of pain was still there.

Clearing my throat I began. "When I met Andrew he was perfect, almost too perfect but I was blinded. The first year of our relationship was great..." I told them everything. How the second year was bad but tolerable, how the third year was a lot rougher but there were days I could still see he loved me and the fourth year, the year that completely broke me.

I told them all the things he used to say to me, drill into my head, things I still believe. I told them how I tried my hardest to change for him; my hair color, my body, my morals, the only thing I didn't change was my breast size, which was something he so desperately wanted of me.

Every so often I would peer up from beneath my lashes to see the reaction on Damons face to all I was saying. Emma and Lena would gasp and become angered by what they heard, while they rubbed my shoulders and hugged me but Damon — If Damons look could kill I was sure Andrew would be dead. Everytime I looked up at him his arms were crossed over his chest and his eyes were blazing anger, I swore at one point I saw his jaw twitch. He was pissed upon hearing everything, to say the least but regardless, much to my surprise he stayed quiet and let me continue on.

I took another deep breath, here comes the worst part. I looked over at Ricki and he gave me a sad smile, he whispered "We're all here for you Ari, go ahead." His voice was soothing and gave me the last bit of strength.

"Im can almost feel Im not going to like what you're going to say next Ariel." Lenas strong motherly tone almost had me thinking my father was in the room. She was angry but holding it in well.

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