| 8 | Barely A Kiss

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A/N: HEYYYY GUYS! I know, I know😭 Its been way too long since I have updated and Im super sorry for that, life got busy during and after the holidays that I wasn't able to focus just on my writing but everything is back to normal now and hopefully I'll be updating chapters much quicker! 

As a treat and a thank you for being patient, I have actually had the time to get 2 chapter written!! So you better believe I am posting both chapters tonight!😝

Thank you guys again so much for the support! XOXO

| Ariel |

"You sure you'll be okay here until your lease is up sweetheart?" My dad questioned me as I walked him to the door. He had to be home by tomorrow, even though it was a Sunday. He was a general contractor and the job he was working on kept him busy; the people he was working for were very demanding.

I smiled at the worry in his voice. I knew he didn't want to leave but I also knew he had things to take care of back at home. "Yes daddy, don't worry. My lease is up in a month so as soon as possible Im signing out of here and heading back home."

"Good." My dad smiled opening the front door then turning to face me as he stepped outside "Its where you belong. The offer is still up for you to come back home. Your room is exactly as you left it."

I haven't stepped foot into my old room since Lenas wedding and even then it was a few minutes and then I was off to her house for the ceremony and reception. I can imagine it's a mirror image of how I left it at 18, simple. Clean white walls, volleyball metals and trophies scattered throughout, complete with a flat screen TV and more movies than I can count — I was a bit of a movie buff once upon a time.

"I'll think about it, I don't want to be a burden. Im going to try and continue my small business back in NY and see how many sweet tooths bite. So I could be making a mess in the kitchen half the time."

"Good, it will be just like old times then..." My dad quirked a smile.

I let out a laugh and shook my head. It was true, as a teenager I never stopped baking and always had a reason to try a new recipe, adding tweaks here and there. My own personal flare to just about any dessert. Drove my dad insane walking into a kitchen filled with dirty measuring cups, pans and flour filled countertops, after a hard day of work.

"In all seriousness sweetheart Id love for you to be back for awhile. I missed having you around the house. I know its not exactly a dream to be living with your old man at 23 but —"

I cut him off right there by wrapping my arms around his waist and squeezing him tight "Stop talking dad, you had me at I missed you."

He chuckled and hugged me back so tightly it reminded me of the day I actually left for college. "So i'll see you at home in a few weeks?"

I pulled away from his embrace and nodded my head with a cheesy smile "Absolutely."

"Great!" He leaned forward placing a sweet kiss at my forehead. He pulled away and the smile on his lips got wider "Be good and stay safe young lady."

I rolled my eyes playfully "I always am."

He nodded his head with a knowing look "Love you sweetheart, see you soon."

"Bye daddy." I leaned against the door frame, watching as he turned to walk away.

"Oh and Ariel," he turned on his heel, as if he had remmed something important. My eyebrows quirked up in question to him. He continued on "Don't be so hard on yourself."

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