| 31 | Jealousy

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A/N: Hey guys! Im so sorry it took my longer to update this time around.🙈 We actually had a power outage due to a severe storm in my area so I didn't have any power to charge my computer and write. I finally got power back today and decided to sit down while the kiddies were down for a nap and write! LOL🤣

Hope you guys enjoy this one! We have a few more chapters but the ending is in sight!😭

| Damon |

I knew it. I knew the second Aden eyes ate up Ariels curves like she was the best created dessert, ready to be ravished. Ariel is such a devastatingly beautiful girl and what makes her even more attractive is the fact that she doesn't even see it so I don't blame Aden for looking at her in such a way but my insides grow hot with rage and all I want to do is slam my fists against the table, throw Ariel over my shoulder and haul her back home to show her exactly whose woman she is but I don't...

I faintly hear there conversation that Im trying my damned hardest to nod and smile along with.

"Oh, you would love it there, Ariel — " Aden sends her his boyish grin. He's now seated between us both at the head of the table, his legs straddling the back of a chair. Ive never seen him so focused in my entire life, I think he looked over a me once.

"— Theres this quaint little pastry shop there with a sweet older lady who would remind you of your grandmother. She makes the best Cannelés. I swear paired with an expresso they are to die for..."

Ariel smiled, her hand under her chin. She was listening so intently and being so innocently kind to him but to me it felt like a dig to the chest and I cant undo that feeling as hard as I may try.

"Really? Oh I would love to go one day. It's been my dream to travel Paris and taste all their pastries, cheeses, wines..." her voice trailed off as I allow my mind to wander to the night she night she told me of that said dream. I feel an itch in my hands to grab my phone and book her the flight this second and an ache in my heart to be the one to share that dream with her.

I groan internally. I need to fucking rid my mind of these thoughts. This is dangerous territory.

Doesn't mean I cant want to give my friend everything she deserves though, right?

I sit there and take it. I take their laughs and light conversation with as much willpower as god has given me and let me say that my patience is running very thin.

Aden may be my best friend from back in school but just the thought of something serious actually blossoming between them from this one meeting has my jaw twitching in anger and jealousy bubbling in my stomach. I have no right to feel this way, I know I don't. I told myself plenty of times that sex is as far as it can go with Ariel and I. She deserves so much better, she deserves her dream of a husband and kids...

A brief moment of insanity causes a vision to flash within the depths of my mind — chasing two young kids around a grassy yard, their screams and laughs filled the air as they run to the deck calling out mommy, and right there leaning against the sliding doors is s brightly smiling Ariel. She engulfs the kids tight as they tackle her legs. I walk up to her and kiss her on the lips. She whispers against mine Dinners ready baby...

And the vision ends there as I force my head to shake free from those simplistic marital thoughts. Thats not us, it can't ever be us...

Their laughs fill the table and pull me out of my thoughts. Aden seems to have moved his chair closer to her side and I don't like it one bit, I curl my hand into a fist on the table, my nails biting into the flesh of my palm to control my emotions — I listen in on their conversation and plaster the fake smile on my face.

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