| 27 | I Need You

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| Damon |

Slamming the front door shut, I let out a deep exhausted breath and dropped my keys on the table near the front door. I didn't bother walking into the kitchen and making myself dinner, even though Im starved! I just wanted to hit the shower immediately and wash this whole stressful day off of me. Everything that could have gone wrong today, did.

I shouldn't say all day today, the morning actually started out pretty damn normal.

I received the shock of a lifetime when Uncle Eric walked our new client into my office as soon as we opened. It was one of my really good friends from high school, actually the only one of my boys I didn't want to throw under a bus for creating unnecessary drama — Aden. The last I knew of him he went on to culinary school to become a chef, but turns out he changed his major half way through and decided on focusing solely on baking, so he went on to become a pastry chef and he now owns his own bakery in the next town over. He was always so close and its a shock we never ran into each other before this meeting but it was a great reunion; there was a bunch of reminiscing and teasing.

He told me once he found us online and realized it was my family owned architecture firm, there was nowhere else he would take his business. So with his mind made up, he came here to expand his business; looking forward to building a new bakery here in Albany.

Before he left, he didn't want to loose touch so he offered to go out for some drinks this weekend and maybe 'make some girls blush right down to their panties', as he put it. I couldn't help but laugh at his metaphor, he was always known as the sensitive guy that looked like a badass. He was never one to go out every weekend to find girls and fuck them — I was known for that and as I think about it now, its not something I'm necessarily proud of.

It was me. I realized as soon as I thought that just how different my life was now. Normally I would be looking forward to Saturday night and finding some needy girl to release all my pent up stress and arousal. It frustrates me that I don't miss it, that my body doesn't even want that, that my mind is so focused on one girl and one girl only.


Walking into my bathroom and stripping myself naked, free of my slacks and button down shirt, I stepped into the steaming shower with a heavy sigh.

She was the main cause of my daily frustration, well I shouldn't say the main cause, but her beautiful face was invading my mind all day and the words I had said to her after we fucked a few days ago playing like a broken record. "I would not mind you surprising me like that every night."

Seconds after I said those words, my whole body froze as if an electrical shock had paralyzed me with the realization of the hidden meaning behind those words. In that moment I felt nervous, I felt fear seep through my body that I might want Ariel in my bed every night, just her. Pressed up against me, sleeping with me, dreamily sliding her wet pussy on my rock hard cock in a sleep filled haze. Her filling up my life.

That one thought was enough to scare me into getting off of her. I had to move away and clear my muddled brain.

So caught up I didn't realize she noticed my change. I didn't realize how it effected her and the fact that she thought that night was anything short of fucking amazing or that I didn't want her was absolute shit and I had to tell her, had to show her it had nothing to do with her. I never want her to think I don't want her because I do...

So. Damn. Much.

I groaned as the hot water pelted down on my skin like little rocks of fire. My palms pressed against the tile wall of the shower as my head hung forward, water cascading down my hair and on to the floor.

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