| 3 | That Night

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Just as a side note, the flashback of the night Damon is thinking about is all in italics -- the ones not in italics are what he is thinking present time. Anyways, enjoy!

| Damon |

After getting home and taking a long hot shower — one that I needed desperately not only to wash the night away but to relive my aching muscles somewhat, the tension was worse tonight. After stepping out of my steaming bathroom and changing into a pair of gray jogger sweatpants I let out a ragged breath falling back onto my king sized bed.

One forearm rested on my forehead while my other hand was raised in the air holding my phone in front of my face. My thumb scrolled down checking any missed calls or text messages. I would probably check my emails right after knowing a lot of my work related priorities would be sent there.

Boss Man, 12:02AM: Hey son, your mom and I just got to bed. Wanted to make sure you were home safe. Despite my best efforts to change your mind I know you had you nightly outing with an unlucky lady. Your mother says goodnight and she loves you.

I wanted to smile at the end of reading that message but I knew my Uncle was disappointed. He and my mom. My mom was always asking when I was going to take relationships and love seriously. She always tells me one day I'm going to regret everything Im doing now and I always tell her I regret nothing and live in the moment.

I ended up writing back a quick goodnight message to him and my mom, assuring them I was home about to knock out. I knew they were far from falling asleep at the moment. I wanted to cringe at that, the thought of my uncle and my mom doing anything sexual was horrifying to me but Im extremely happy for them. For years they were flirting and tiptoeing around their attraction for each other. Turns out a few years ago they gave into their temptations and started dating behind our backs — my mom was deathly afraid we wouldn't be accepting of her falling in love with him but she was wrong, we couldn't be happier for her.

If there was anyone that could make my mom even slightly as happy as my dad did, its my Uncle Eric...

Continuing my scroll down my phone I saw a message from my sister, Emma and a grin came upon my face. She was all grown up and truthfully as much as it killed me she wasn't a little girl anymore I loved the woman she grew up to be. Dad would be proud.

Emma, 12:45AM: Dae! You need to call me as soon as your ass wakes up tomorrow! I have huge news to tell you! PS: And NO I'm not pregnant! *cue eye roll*

I let out a low chuckle, she knew me too well! Of course my first thought at her big news would be that she's pregnant, she's already engaged to be married, what else? A smile spread across my face as I typed her back a response, I knew better than to call now, I wouldn't hear the end of it if her and Tyler were in a compromising position.

A need to punch his jaw overcame me as I thought about him sleeping next to my baby sister but surprisingly as soon as it came on it went away.

Tyler and I settled our differences after he came to Dean, Uncle Eric and I to ask for Emmas hand in marriage, the gesture alone shocked me and I admired he actually came to us BUT that didn't stop me from throwing a right hook to his jaw and threatening to cut his balls off if he ever even thought about hurting my baby sister in any way again, as soon as he walked through the door.

He took it like a man and made more than a few promises that day to always be faithful to her and never hurt her. In the end I gave him my blessing, and now, a year later? I can honestly say he's not such a shit head anymore. I actually like the kid and we've shared a few laughs and good moments, he might just be an awesome brother in law but I sure as shit aint telling him that.

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