| 28 | Opening up

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| Ariel |

Damon and I laid naked in blissful silence now, after doing exactly what he intended on doing as soon as I showed up at his house. I was stripped down and on my knees before I got the chance to even mutter one word to him. He fucked me so hard and so good, I could barley breath by the end of it all. He gave me three intense, mind blowing orgasms before we both fell back on the bed, spent and decided to press pause. We settled down comfortably with each other and relaxed.

Never did I think I would ever feel comfortable laying naked with a man without worrying about how my body looked or feeling the need to cover myself but with Damon, it was different. I felt beautiful and free, as if I could show him flaws and all. He loved it all and he refused to let me cover myself up in his presence.

The sheets we had tangled around us only covered his waist down while on me they sit just above my lower back, covering my bum from his view. My head was laid on his upper thigh, facing forward and watching the TV turned down low — but now, I turned to face him. I interlaced my fingers and laid my palms flat on his sheet covered thigh, my chin resting on my hands as I watched him.

His head was slightly tilted and his face so serine and relaxed as he drew in his sketch book. His fingers worked so passionately with the pencil, his forearm muscles flexing with his movements. It made me happy for him, happy he had something he loved so much. I've never seen him so deeply involved in something, so in tune and mesmerized by something...well, not outside these sheets at least.

I felt a warmth in my heart thinking that he looks at me the way he looks at his drawings. Ive seen the passionate look before, its the same look I receive when he's devouring every one of my dips and curves. I try not to read too much into it and I keep telling myself this is as far as it will ever go but you cant blame a girl for getting butterflies when the man she loves looks at her like she's this magnificent piece of artwork...

I watch him with and adoring smile. We have been like this for what feels like hours and this place, this moment, is honestly the best feeling in the world. Just being with someone, sharing the same space, the same quiet and familiar comfort without one word needing to be said. I wish I could have the power to freeze this moment and stay here forever.

"What are you smiling about princess?" He whispered without taking one glance away from the picture he was drawing.

There go the butterflies again. He knew I was smiling without even looking my way, was he that in tune with my aura, with my movements?

"You." I answered lowly, my eyes drifting to his hands stroking the pencil back and forth on the paper. I had no idea what he was drawing but he made it look so easy. "Your love for drawing. I can see the passion in you face. The quick, fluid movements of your hand on paper shows how easy it comes to you. It's like second nature..." I paused, looking back up at him only to be met with his gaze. His eyes finally on me. "...And you're exceptional at it."

"You got all that from watching me draw?" He said low and raspy, he cleared his throat mid sentence but it didn't hinder the emotion I heard coming from his voice.

"Was I wrong?" I whispered back.

His green eyes searched mine as if he were digging deep inside me, searching for any hint of deception. "No." He said finally before taking a deep breath in and letting it out "I do love drawing Ari, it calms me, takes me away from the stresses of life..."

He trailed off as if he was now deep in thought and I wondered if he was questioning his career choice because it was clear that drawing to him was more than a hobby. It meant something to him and he loved being drowned in it. If my eyes were telling him anything, they were begging with him to talk to me, tell me something else nobody knows about him — open up to me and trust me again, he did it once I know he can do it again.

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