| 25 | Big Brother knows Best?

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| Damon |

I chuckle into my phone while grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge and unscrewing the cap "Nothing is wrong man, Im just not up for it tonight..."

"Hmm," He hummed calmly, though his voice was filled with uncertainty. He didn't believe me, he always could see right through me, even when I couldn't see it myself sometimes.

"I know this isn't one of your hot and wild night starting with drinks and ending with orgasms..." I could almost hear him rolling his eyes. Dean was never one to follow in my footsteps when it came to women and the single lifestyle. "...But the girls are out and Tyler invited us over for drinks and bullshit, Come on what else could you possibly be doing tonight, if not going out and finding a woman to warm your bed — "

I cut him off right there, slamming the water bottle back down on the table right after having taken a long guzzle of it. "You know no woman has ever seen, much less laid an inch of her skin on my bed..."

That was true, up until last night.

A slow grin creeped on to my lips at the image of bright red tresses fanned across my pillow, her back arched and her parted lips moaning my name while I watched, from between her thighs. Feeling the heat rolling through my veins and my cock growing hard, I forced myself to take another swig of water trying to drown out my desire.

It was a miserable attempt.

"Yeah, Yeah, I remember your set of ground rules brother." He sighed again "Im not buying it. There must be something bothering you for you not to want to come out on a Saturday night." He scoffed "When was the last Saturday you didn't go out? What were you, hmm? 21, maybe?"

His pestering was getting on my nerves and I was slowly starting to think he wanted me to confess to something, he wanted me to open up to him or some shit I wasn't ready for.

I sighed and tried once more to clam my annoyance towards my big brother at the moment and not lash out "Sounds like you have too much time on your hands to be keeping tabs on your baby brother, you my guardian angel or something Dean?"

"Someone has to do it and I didn't see Emma or mom volunteering to keep an eye on your immature ass."

My annoyance was turning to anger because I was slowly realizing my brother was waiting for me to fuck up big time and come rescue me. "I don't need a damn baby-sitter Dean, Im fucking 28 years old." I hissed out.

His chuckle resonated through the phone but he was anything but amused "Then grow the hell up and act like it."

"Hows Marissa Dean? She give you your balls back yet?" I spat, my hands slammed on the counter in front of me. See this is what I was afraid of, getting so angered to the point where I say things like this.

He laughed again, as if the question didn't at all bother him, but that was Dean, he always held a quiet anger. He never needed to scream or throw fists to bring someone down a couple notches and if Im being honest I always resented that about him. There was a tension filled pause before his voice as cool as a winters night, whispered through the phone.

"Hows Ariel, Damon? She finally realize that there is no hope in waiting for you to return her love?" My jaw twitched in anger and my lips let out a low snarl but he continued on "Or did she finally find a man who can give her everything she's dreamed of?"

His words cut my like a knife but I wasn't going to let not show because he was right. I wasn't deserving of Ariel, of her love, her care, her joy. I cant ever give her what she wants because little does she know that if I ever let my guard down with her, if I ever give that sweet girl a chance I would fall so fast and so hard that she would be the one to ruin me — and ruin me she would, to the point of no return, to the point where I would turn into a poor excuse of a man brought forth from the pain.

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