| 11 | Going Home

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| Ariel | 

"Oh sweetheart, you are going to be so missed, and not just because of your amazing blueberry muffins my dear!!"

I laughed whole heartedly at the other woman's comment, holding my phone between my cheek and my shoulder. We had to be at the airport in an hour and a few minutes ago I had just updated my Sweet Little Treats  website, allowing people to know that I was moving back to New York and I would no longer be local in the Colorado area.

As soon as I posted the update, Mrs. Adler, a sweet older lady in her 50s, who lived on the first floor, was ringing up my cell phone. I smiled as soon as I saw her name, knowing she would be heartbroken. Every week for the past four years she has ordered a dozen blueberry muffins with lemon icing to last her through the week. Her and her sweet husband raved about them every time I dropped them off at her doorstep. Little did she know I had a surprise just for her.

"Your too sweet Mrs. Adler. I'll miss you too, I have no idea who is going to rave to all of New York about how delicious my muffins are."

She gave a little laugh "Oh you're too humble sweetheart, you will have them eating out of the palm of your hand. Literally." She sighed and I could almost see the sad smile on her lips "Wont be long before you have you own bakery store front."

I smiled at the thought, I had told her a few times how much that was my dream and how I had to work hard while I was at the bottom in order to one day become that huge success. I don't want a fancy, giant sized bakery just something homey and sweet. Something on the smaller side that made quality goodies, a place where people could sit down and talk with a cup of coffee and a warm sweet treat.

"I hope you're right Mrs. Adler."

"Ariel, how many times must I tell you to called me Addison? It's only been four years honey." She scolded me softly before moving on "You know Greg and I won't be the only ones missing your treats. Hope and her daughter Addy will be so upset."

Greg was Mrs. Adler's husband and Hope was her daughter, her granddaughter, being named after her is Addy. I sighed clearly upset that I had to leave them. They were my best clients, apart from all the college students rushing to work and wanting a sweet treat or dozens of cupcakes and cake pops for a sorority party.

"I know but I promise I won't forget you guys and every week I will send you a dozen muffins, next day air. Hows that sound?"

"Oh honey I couldn't ask you to do that, the shipping alone would be more than — "

"Don't worry about the shipping Mrs. Adler, you've helped me a lot with my business the past four years."

She sighed defeated "Well if you insist, at least allow my to pay for them in double?"

I rolled my eyes with a smile "Well then what's the point of free shipping?"

She laughed whole heartedly "Exactly."

I shook my head at her antics and finished up wrapping the white bakers box, filled with blueberry muffins, with blue and white twine. I looked at my watch to check the time and I was pleased to see I was right on time. Even with having to rush to get ready for our flight, I still had enough time to bake these babies for her.

"Im sorry to cut this short but I really do have to head out."

"Oh alright," she did truly sound upset, I wonder if I made that much of an impact on her with just bringing by my pastries the past four years?

"Don't sound too upset now. In about 30 minutes or so I want you to check your front door."

She paused "Now why in the world would I — " she took a slight pause and I giggled at the wondering expression she may have on her face. "Oh Ariel, you shouldn't have! How did you find the time?"

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