Chapter 5

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"Aru! You little brat

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"Aru! You little brat. How long are you gonna stay in your room? Come out now!"

"Bug off! I don't want to talk to you. I am angry."

I fisted my hands and knocked on Arman's door countless times. He was not letting anyone in his room. Not even mom. He didn't eat breakfast and now he was not coming down to eat lunch too. I knew he was doing it on purpose.

"Okay, fine. Cry all you want," I yelled and stomped my feet to pretend that I was leaving.

"I am not crying!" he shouted back and opened up his door.

I gave him a devilish smile and ran past him, into his room. He shook his head but didn't tell me to leave. He closed the door and sat down on his bed. He didn't look at me and kept playing with his baseball.

I sat down beside him and poked his stomach. He shrugged and I wrapped my arm over his shoulders. I sensed that he wasn't just angry but sad too.

"Aw. Don't cry, Aru. If you want I will take you with me after marriage. I am sure no on will object," I teased.

He gave me a death glare and I smiled cheekily. He punched me on the arm and I pinched his cheek.

"Why did you agree to marry? Are you in that much hurry to leave us?" he accused.

"Don't talk like that. I will have to do it anyway so why not now? Do you even know who my future husband is?" I boasted.

"I don't care if he is Yuvaan Raichand, Di. You don't know each other! And you still said yes? You can fool our parents, not me," he huffed.

I sighed and patted his back. "I know that, okay? But guess what? Dad said that he will give me some time to get to know Yuvaan and spend some time with him."

"But you are still getting married, right? What about me? You are going to leave your brother alone? How selfish!"

I hit him on the head and he pouted. How dare he say that? I hit him few more times and pulled him closer. I side-hugged him and told him that I was not getting forced into this. It was my own decision.

I explained to him that dad and mom were happy with this arrangement and my friends too. I was getting engaged to one of the most influential and powerful men in the world. There was nothing to be worried about.

"You will also get married one day or are you planning to live as a saint?" I mocked.

"Whatever." He rolled his eyes.

"Should I inform Neeya then? She could find a new guy you know. Someone who is willing to marry her."

His face turned red when I mentioned his girlfriend's name. He got annoyed when I kept teasing him about her and in the end, we ended up bickering and laughing at each other.

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