Chapter 26

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I was done with it! Yuvaan, his friends, this fake marriage, everything can go to hell

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I was done with it! Yuvaan, his friends, this fake marriage, everything can go to hell. How could I be so foolish to believe that he would not cheat on me? But then again, he didn't accept me as his wife; he had full freedom to whore around as per his heart's content.

The day before yesterday was one of the best and worst days of my life. I saw how insane Yuvaan could be, but I also got to meet Rickard Grandpa. He was really nice to me and didn't treat me as trash like my husband did.

And Yuvaan just proved how far he could go to see me hurt. He brought a girl along with him to his room. I was standing right there when I witnessed it with my own eyes. The girl was really gorgeous, her long blonde hair cascading her back. She was wearing a short peach coloured one piece and was clutching Yuvaan's hand tightly.

For a minute, I couldn't believe my eyes, but when I saw them entering his room, I couldn't take it anymore. We might not be a happily married couple, but he crossed all the limits. I still considered him my husband and this mangalsutra, bangles, and sindoor (vermillion) which I applied daily were proof.

I couldn't stop myself from crying all night after that though I knew there was no use. Heena tried to console me, but I was a mess by morning. I just couldn't sleep knowing that my husband was having fun in the next room.

Even in the flight, I couldn't erase that image from my mind. It was like it was engraved deeply, mocking me every time I looked at him. If there was any little hope left, it was also gone now.

Because of that, I didn't pay any attention to him till we got back to India. While flying, he tried to provoke me, and I thought that he would mention about that girl to make me feel more miserable, but he didn't. I was glad to know that the task for which he took me to Chile was done successfully, but I wasn't in the mood to celebrate.

His way of celebration ruined my whole day.

We reached home in the evening; Grace was there to welcome us. She was really worried about my state, but I told her not to worry. I locked myself in my room and cried my heart out. I didn't understand why I was dehydrating myself for the man who himself made me cry, but my tears seemed to have a mind of their own.

So, I let them out and when I was satisfied with torturing myself, I went to sleep. Fortunately, I got a good sleep as I was exhausted, but my ears were ringing with some familiar words from two months ago.

Kasyaapi vishye kim vā kathyaani yasya bhagyam apratyashitam....

The words were playing on loop and even though I distracted myself with the housework, they were still there, echoing in the back of my mind. I got frustrated when I couldn't shove them off even though I worked overtime.

Kasyaapi vishye kim vā kathyaani yasya bhagyam apratyashitam....

What the fuck was the meaning of those words?

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