Chapter 58

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(This chapter contains sex scene, and I have given pointers when the scene starts and ends, so if you aren't comfortable, you can skip those parts while reading the chapter

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(This chapter contains sex scene, and I have given pointers when the scene starts and ends, so if you aren't comfortable, you can skip those parts while reading the chapter.)


Before Yuvaan returned to his work, he took me on a date to express his gratitude. As he was recuperating and resting after suffering from an episode, I had to take care of everything, both in office and at home.

Grace Nana had come to help me, and when she saw me taking care of Yuvaan along with handling other chores, she told me that she was proud of me, and I would become a good mother.

Mother... I really wanted to have kids and play with them. But for now, I had to take care of another 'big baby'.

Because I was too busy, I couldn't progress with my plan. I was still short of intel on Himesh, and I learned from Geeta, Lokesh's wife, that both men were planning on going abroad to look after some stuff related to their black money businesses.

It wasn't good. I had to do something to keep them in India only, or there would be no use of me working on making them pay for what they had done. I was already well informed about Lokesh and acquired a lot of information about Himesh also thanks to Geeta, but I had to quicken my pace.

I decided to get them roped in the upcoming residential project by Raghuveer, which offered luxury flats in a posh location in Mumbai. If we offered them great deal as they were already our clients and boosted their egos, I was sure they would snatch the opportunity without thinking.

We had fled from Mathura to escape those bastards, but now that they had invited themselves in my life, their departure wasn't going to be that easy. I put it in my schedule to mention about the prospective house deal to Raghuveer later and got ready for my date with my husband.

This date was different from the previous ones because this time, I wasn't worrying about other stuff. It was only me and Yuvaan. As he had planned, we watched a movie and went to an amusement park. I knew that Yuvaan wasn't fond of crowded places, but his fear wasn't visible today. He was glowing and dragged me everywhere to play on various rides.

I complained that I was exhausted, but he stuffed me with more food than my usual diet and told me to conserve my energy. The way he said it made my mind dive into the kinky world, but I shook my head and scolded myself when my pervert inner voice kept poking me to ask Yuvaan about it.

I didn't want an encore of the earlier incident. He was enjoying himself, and I didn't feel like spoiling the fun. I pumped up myself and binged on everything I saw. By afternoon, I looked like hell, while Yuvaan was still high on serotonin.

He took me to watch a romantic movie, and I was trying to focus on the film, but Yuvaan didn't let me. His hand was caressing my thigh, and he took full advantage of the back row and no lights. He must have kissed me at least dozen times before the interval.

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