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Pledis Central

all participants may remove their blindfolds after this announcement , you will have 30 seconds to process your result and the mirrors will be moved, a following 2 minutes and then you will be filtered and transported from here, thank you.

Joshua lifted his blindfold and bright blue eyes started back at him, he inspected his face in the mirror, he liked the way they clashed with his soft, peachy hair.

He was so absorbed in this new look that it took him a few seconds to turn to his best friend.


His heart started beating rapidly as Jeonghan looked pale, he looked gaunt and empty and the eyes that stared back at him weren't that soft blue Joshua was so sure of.

Rose quartz.

Those soft pink eyes suddenly swelled up with water and looked towards Joshua. A cry of terror escaped Jeonghan's lips and he clung onto the younger who now also began to cry out. They held on tightly as the mirrors began to recede into the floor, revealing the crowd of 21 year olds to the audience.

It was a mix of gasps and coos as emotions were high for so many.

Jeonghan dared to look up from Joshua's shoulder, catching the eyes of his little brother who sat with his mouth agape, they then painfully panned to his mother, she instantly broke down and grabbed Sanha in the crowd using all the willpower she had to not run up there and grab her baby. Jeonghan shook violently, mouthing a silent "I'm sorry." As Joshua held him tighter.

"Y-you you... this doesn't make any-" Everything Joshua wanted to say was caught in his throat, all the air was taken away from him so quickly. "I'm going to see you again, I'm going to find you again, we have to, you can't just," Joshua spluttered out, hitting Jeonghan's shoulder in their tight embrace.

"No, Shua, I'm not worth your tears and I'm so sorry I was so selfish to think I could hang out with you, I love you and thank you for putting up with me this long." Jeonghan replies, trying to think as calmly as possible with his head spinning.

"This must be a mistake- you're perfect, the most perfect person I've ever met and yet you're here. They've gotten it wrong, I'm sure of it-" Jeonghan placed his finger on Joshua's lips, silencing him completely.

"It's not a mistake, you'll be okay without me." He tried to act as calm as possible although his crooked smile suggested otherwise as his hands fell down from Joshua's face; their embrace broke for the last time.

Your time is up, good luck in your future endeavours from everyone here at Pledis, the guardians of your safety.

Before they knew it they were separated, Jeonghan reluctantly turned to two large doors at the back of the stage, not being able to spare a final glance at his family or best friend. What awaited him was a mystery and he wasn't sure he was strong enough to face it.

Not knowing what to do, Joshua ran down the stage and into the arms of the Yoon family as well as his own. "You did well, Shua." His mother spoke softly through choked sobs, this was meant to be a time to celebrate but Jeonghan was like her second son.

"This-this isn't fair, I can never see him again." Sanha thought out loud through a cacophony of sniffles; he was devastated by the loss of his older brother that he idolised so much.

In the crowds of people, crowds of emotion and twisted fate they all cried out in sorrow, huddled together for their fallen angel.

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