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The ride back to their home was a long one. Jeonghan was incredibly quiet as the three boys explained to him what their lives were like, always trying to pry information from the Healina born.

"You will love channie, we have this dance team I run and he's so good!" Soonyoung continued dramatically, honestly he was shocked Seungcheol so desperately wanted Jeonghan to join them, it had been 4 years since Chan did but he was right that their small little home had never felt complete, maybe Jeonghan's presence could change that.

Jihoon was focused on the road, the four were in his beaten up pickup truck intricately painted with "Woozi Universe Factory" in an urban font by Mingyu, the back was filled with speakers and wires and a very upset Seungcheol who wasn't able to fit in the front compartment.

"Yah! I'm your hyung why do I have to sit at the back?" Cheol said, clinging onto his knees as the truck went over another divot in the road.

"I'm driving."

"I'm new."

"I'm Soonyoung."

Were the responses he was met with. Soonyoung was tired of the lack of response he was getting from Jeonghan so the truck quieted down and Jihoon took it as an opportunity to play some of his music, inserting a small disc into the port.

Jeonghan lifted his head and furrowed his brows, this wasn't like anything he'd heard before. "It's called 'back it up.'" Jihoon said, noticing the mix of confusion and intrigue painted on Jeonghan's face.

"In Healina it was mainly acoustic stuff, this is... cool, it's fresh and I like it." Jeonghan spoke rather loudly since Seungcheol was shouting "SIREN SIREN WEE WOO WEE WOO." From the back.

"Well thanks, I produced it." Jihoon said with a wink that Soonyoung glared at. "Ooh this is my part!" Seungcheol interjected, beginning to rap shockingly well despite his volatile energy he omitted.

Jeonghan found himself smiling once again at the dynamic of the three, they weren't at all the ruffians he'd been told about in his classes.

Many songs were played and the boys got along surprisingly well, it took a while for the three Oderians to adjust to the angel boy in the pure clothing but his demeanour wasn't all that different from them at all.

"Play bring it, it's my favourite." Soonyoung said, tugging on Jihoon's shoulder, a questionable choice when Jihoon was driving but none the less he complied.

What ensued was a very enthusiastic display, Jeonghan was shocked once again to see that all three boys were very talented; he didn't think we was a very good singer so he wasn't sure how he'd fit but surely not everyone in their group of eight could be.

Jihoon was shaking his head with embarrassment but Soonyoung was enjoying himself so much, it reminded Jeonghan of the antics of Seungkwan and Seokmin back in Healina.


Things were refusing to sink in, Jeonghan had all this regret built up but here he was with a ragtag bunch of boys in a beaten up car; everything was so different and he didn't know how exactly to feel. He wondered how they were all doing without him, probably fine.

The car stopped and the four climbed out, gazing upon the derelict building  Jeonghan would soon have to call home.

𝐒𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐭│𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐦𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐚𝐮 ✓Where stories live. Discover now