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[Contains distressing content]

To no ones surprise, Minghao awoke with a splitting headache. He hissed at the light protruding through his room, mumbling something about just sticking to being a casual wine connoisseur in his next life. When he got up to shut the blinds he noted he was still in his outfit from the previous night although it looked far more dishevelled than when he first put it on.

"GOOD MORNING MINGHAO!" Sanha boomed from outside which made him cringe at the loud noise. He wondered how long he had slept for Sanha to be working and sure enough when he looked at the clock he'd slept until 11am. "Hi Sanha, shouldn't you be at school or something?" Minghao said, rubbing his face as the young boy let himself in with a tray of breakfast.

"No! I have a day off so I wanted to come in, I brought you some toast and orange juice but don't tell Jinjin," Sanha grinned, placing the small tray complete with little flower on his bedside table. Minghao let out a weak smile, secretly very grateful for the younger, "You look... interesting today," Sanha commented, eyes raking up and down the peculiar outfit. Without thinking Minghao shrugged, "Yeah, Jinjin made me wear it at the bar- barn, I mean barn, we all went to a barn last night," The words tumbled out awkwardly as Sanha furrowed his eyebrows, "That doesn't look like something you'd wear on a farm but you're super cool so I'm not going to question it!"

Minghao thanked all that was holy that Sanha was probably the most innocent boy to grace Healina in that moment, all four of the others working there would've murdered him. "Thanks for the breakfast kiddo, now clear off before someone catches you," Shooing him out the room with wink so he could be free of this facade.

Minghao let out a heavy breath as he looked at his toast, he was always fucking up. He fought with his brain on how he was going to make it to December, it was only half way through the year and the amount of hell he'd been put through already was exhausting and who was to say it would be any better in Odera? His chain of thought was cut off by the vibration of his phone.

vern: hey hao, having a good week?

He groaned and threw it forcefully, flinching when it shattered on the wall beside him, all he could do was stare blankly at the class fragments that glistened in a disorderly pile. Looking at it just made him angry, everything he did caused something else to be ruined and that was a pretty expensive mistake. Reaching for his pain relief, he paused to inspect the bottle, would anything bad really come from taking a few too many?

'No Minghao, you're crazy. That's what crazy people think, you're not suicidal, you're not, stop it.'

He bashed his head like if he hit hard enough the thoughts would tumble out his ears but they got louder and louder and LOUDER until he couldn't hold it in anymore, he shook violently like a volcano about to erupt, everything was so fast and he could feel adrenaline spiking, of course he'd thought about it but he'd never craved it this bad, craved some sort of, any sort of release.

So he did it.

Without a second thought he grabbed his lovingly prepared orange juice and swallowed a whole bottle of painkillers, screaming on the inside until it hurt. He was silent though, he couldn't let Sanha hear this but really Sanha was one of the only ones that came in his room, what would happen if he found him?

'No, that'd ruin him. Minghao you can't ruin another person, someone so innocent and so pure, take it back, you have to take it back-

You can't take it back.'

He'd never felt like this before, would a red hot, spontaneous decision be his downfall?

All he knew was that this was final, recovery from suicide was unheard of in Healina. He figured the medication was just that strong, pumped with some sort of chemical to keep everyone so fucking happy all the time.

'So fucking happy.'

The last thought before he collapsed to the floor.

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