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"Evening you two~~" Came Seokmin's sunshine voice, as he ran towards his two younger friends. He latched onto both of their shoulders, awkwardly forcing their previously intertwined hands apart, "How are my precious gays doing today?" He chimed, Seokmin was always cheerful but this was a little more than usual especially for the end of the day after long hours of courses and studying.

"Fine... you okay man?" Vernon asked, eyeing him with confusion. Before he could reply Seungkwan spoke up, "Oh my god you totally finally got with Shua didn't you? Wah, I can't believe it! Let us all rejoice in-"

"Seungkwan no, I'm just happy," Seokmin interrupted, slight blush tinting his cheeks which told Seungkwan the cheerful mood was most definitely to do with a certain Joshua Hong. "What's this about?" Vernon asked, he never really picked up on Seokmin's crush, happy to just vibe in his own thoughts and even if Seungkwan had probably ranted about it to him before he tended to just tune out when it happened.

"Where have you been this whole time?" Seungkwan rolled his eyes as if it was the most obvious thing, Seokmin not being able to do anything but it listen to the younger's ramblings.

"Everything is just nice," Seokmin beamed once he was done, "It feels like since the ceremony everything was crazy but it's finally getting back to where it was, I spend so much time with Shua, I love my course, my job and you guys even made friends with Minghao again!" He said. "Yeah, Hao did seem a bit off with us when we left though..." Vernon said, remembering how quickly they were kicked out the previous weekend, "Come on babe, he's just a bit of a moody bitch sometimes," Seungkwan reasoned, receiving a scoff, "I don't think you're in any position to call anyone a bitch,"

"SEOKMIN, NONNIE JUST CALLED ME A BITCH!" Seungkwan exclaimed, hitting his boyfriend who was laughing hysterically. "No cursing you two, you'll be packed off to Odera before you know it," The oldest tutted.

"Okay mum."

The trio laughed as they carried on their journey home.

On the other side of Healina, a few hours later the air was thick. Loud music vibed through the underground bar as Minghao drank a bit more than usual, "You okay there bud? It's a Tuesday and you're acting like it's a Friday night and your husband just left you," Moonbin spoke up over the music, the two sat in their small dressing room waiting for a performance. "I'm fine Moonbitch just let me enjoy myself." Minghao replied, taking yet another swig of a half empty whiskey bottle.

Moonbin put his hands up in surrender and turned back to his mirror to adjust his outfit (if you could even call the minimal amounts of black leather an outfit.) It was meant to be a dark and light theme that night so minus the few splotches of stray alcohol, Minghao was dressed in a full white outfit, a small bralette which confused him due to his obvious lack of boobs and a stupidly tiny white skirt that was topped off with some pure white heels and thick white choker. He didn't really like the cross dressing but their clients did so Jinjin would often try to push it on him.

"Come on Mingbitch time to shake some ass," Moonbin signalled him to come out, "Don't steal my joke Moonbitch," He slurred before joining him out on stage.

It was a miracle Minghao was still standing by the end of his routine, alcohol taking over his small frame. Luckily he was incredibly flexible so the pole came naturally to him even if he was almost blackout drunk by the time midnight came. 'Click!' "Saving this one for later," Eunwoo grinned, shoving his camera in the dishevelled boy's face and taking another for good measure. Minghao didn't fully understand why Eunwoo didn't have his job, the man was gorgeous and had far greater chemistry with Moonbin than he did but even in his drunk state he could see the spark in Eunwoo that was driven to be recognised for more than his looks.

"Fuck off Woo," Minghao said, pushing the camera out of the way and heading to the bar where Minhyuk stood cleaning some glasses, "Hey Rocky~~~, can I get auhhh top up?" Minghao slurred with a large grin, shaking his now empty whiskey bottle. "Go to bed Hao, Jinjin likes you too much to punish you for leaving early," He tutted, a hint of bitterness in his voice.

"I'm not even... dr-" Minghao began to snore half way through his sentence which Minhyuk was shocked was even possible. Shaking his head, he got Moonbin to haul him up to his room, "Poor boy, something must've messed him up really bad."

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