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To: [Terminated Number]

Friday 23:39

shua💙: Jeonghan what happened? Were we not good enough for you? Was I not good enough for you? I saw the pictures. Of you, in that club and seriously it makes my head spin, you looked so happy, so free

shua💙: Believe it or not, I was planning on asking you to be my boyfriend, how silly when I thought I knew so much where really I knew so little

shua💙: Gosh what does it matter, I always make it sound like you died with these don't I? I miss you, I love you, I hope you're happy

Seokmin was with Joshua the following Sunday trying to cheer the older up a bit. "Come on, please let me take you to work, the hermit life doesn't suit you and I really think you could do with some words from people who know what you're going through," He smiled a soft smile, dragging Joshua into his car.

"Not like I have much of a choice," The older half joked as he let himself be pushed into the vehicle.

After Seokmin announcing Joshua's appearance to the elderly like an announcer at a boxing match he realised how comfortable the younger was here.

"Ladies and gentlemen with me today is the one, the only JOSHUA HONG," He screeched as the rather embarrassed Joshua gave a slight wave to the applauding residents.

"Your friend has given us so much excitement since he started working here," A woman he later came to know as Jihyo said, nudging his arm.

It was true, Joshua really admired the light that Seokmin managed to bring to every environment, he couldn't say he'd ever seen him sad in his life. Even with the recent events Seokmin has been the one to help him, working as a neutral mediator to try and control Joshua's thoughts from day one.

Joshua felt a hard shove on both his shoulders which flung him into a (thankfully) empty large recliner chair. "Seokmin wha-" A finger was placed on his lips, "Shhh, today you are 85."
He stated blankly, tying up a cute apron around his waist.

Joshua furrowed his brows, not understanding, "These people know what you're going through and you've been acting like an old widower since the ceremony so today you get to be just that, drink some watered down juice, have some dry biscuits, play chess and most importantly talk," The younger smiled, patting the older on the head as he did so.

"Seokmin that's... nice? I think at least or was that an insult? I'm not too sure but really I think this is a bit-"

"Ah, ah, ah nope when have my plans ever failed, I'm trying to help you and I know this may seem unconventional but it's a plan so get to it, grandpa," Joshua rolled his eyes in defeat but his expressions once again softened when he saw how excited the residents were to see a young face.

Before he knew it, Seokmin was gone to start his duties which left Joshua with the elderly sat around him in the living area.

"We heard about your friend, son," An old man with burgundy hair smiled, "It gets better, don't you worry," Joshua adjusted himself in his seat and smiled at the elder as best he could "Yeah, I hope so,"

They talked a lot, about everything, Jeonghan at the beginning, where Joshua was now and how he was feeling, for some reason these people had such a wise and calming aura where he didn't have to censor himself. It was liberating.

After a few hours he'd forgotten why he was even there until he looked up to see a smiling Seokmin leaning on the doorframe, tray of biscuits in hand, "They're good aren't they?"

"Thank you, Seok," Joshua said with sincerity, "I don't know why you care so much but I'm so glad to call you my friend, these people have helped me out a lot and without you I'd probably still be crying in my bedroom over a life not meant to be."

Seokmin's heart felt a tinge of pain at the friend part but was proud of the improvement Joshua had made over the past month, the mourning was calming down and everyone was moving on with Jeonghan in mind but not lost without him.

Seokmin shoved a cookie in the older's mouth before linking their arms, saying their goodbyes and leaving since it was the end of Seokmin's shift.

From inside the nursing home the elderly were smiling, "Beautiful together, simply beautiful."

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