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Mingyu watched as Minghao left with the dancers, knowing how much of a big step it was for him. However, he began to grow frustrated since he could fix other people's problems but not his own, change was needed.

He walked into him and Wonwoo's now shared bedroom, not that it really felt shared considering he didn't even hug Wonwoo when they were sleeping, they would just have their backs turned.

"Wonu?" Mingyu asked, seeing him absorbed in a book at their desk. "It's nothing, I'm fine," Wonwoo replied before Mingyu had even asked the question. He knew deep down Wonwoo was incredibly possessive and figured the extra grain of bitterness was due to the person he'd been latching onto so much.

"Don't worry about me and Minghao, he's just hurting right now," Mingyu said calmly, looking at the sulking boy in their room.

It was true Mingyu had spent a lot of time with Minghao during his greif, he really worried about him so couldn't help it. "Everything has been so different since we, you know, part of me just wants us to go back," Wonwoo admitted, earning a pout from Mingyu, "I know we've been weird around each other, I just get so nervous around you because I like you so much and yet you still sort of act like you hate me but this time it's more jarring," Mingyu said shyly, both quite shocked they were opening up about their feelings for once. Even though they knew each other for years they still found a way to rush into things too fast.

"So do you want to break it off completely or...? It's not like we even you know 'do it' anymore, this is worse than when we were dancing around it," Wonwoo said, a light blush on his face and his eyes fixed to the floor. "No! Wonwoo after everything I couldn't just- we need to make this work otherwise I won't be able to live with myself." Mingyu said, grabbing the older's arm to face him.

"But I'm still so worried you'll be taken away from me, what if this is all futile and-" Wonwoo was cut off by a quick peck on his lips from Mingyu, left slightly stunned by a feeling he missed, "I promise you I'll always be with you, we've been over this. If anything it should be me that's worried you big dork!" Mingyu joked, lightening the mood.

Wonwoo finally looked up, eyeing Mingyu up and down before pulling him into a hug. Mingyu was always the initiator so the action meant a lot, hugging back quickly, "We're pretty stupid, huh?"

"Yeah, we're idiots." Mingyu laughed into his chest, "Can we reset and try acting like real boyfriends? I feel like you're further away than ever," Mingyu dared to ask, "Hmm well if that's the case, go make me a sandwich wench." Wonwoo said in a serious tone, Mingyu hitting his chest.

"No one has used the word wench since the 1800s but... if it'll get you to say yes," Mingyu slipped away to make some food even if he knew Wonwoo was joking, Mingyu's sandwiches were pretty good.

Wonwoo secretly revelled in the way everyone was gawking at him being latched onto Mingyu, it's what he wanted from the start. The others questioned it but Wonwoo's mind was occupied by holding Mingyu and planning out his little lesson for Minghao.

"Jeonghan you should sit in when I teach Minghao too, I'll have more time so I'll be able to be more detailed." Jeonghan groaned but complied anyway, already imaging how Mingyu would be all over teacher Wonwoo like last time to interrupt his peaceful learning. The others just sort of assigned the role to Wonwoo since he read the most and was generally deemed the one that kept them from doing anything too stupid when it came to the decision making, if it was arguments it was a Seungcheol problem and if it was too petty Jihoon would often step in and make unrepeatable threats but for tasks such as this, they left it to Wonwoo.

"Can I come too?" Jun asked, emerging from his room and shocking the rest. "I mean sure, I don't see why not but why do you want to?" Wonwoo asked, scanning the eyes of his best friend. Everyone knew Jun had been acting strange recently and they knew it was something to do with Minghao but no one dared to ask what since he was prone to his little outbursts.

Or at least all but one, "Bro what's up with you, you haven't hit on me in like two weeks now?" Soonyoung asked, making Jihoon tense up and Jeonghan draw closer.

"You have a boyfriend and I have a girlfriend."

Seungcheol spat out his tea.

"I'm sorry you have a what now?"

Jun glanced around the room where everyone appeared confused apart from Minghao who just sat there still unaware of what was going on. A short meow made everyone's faces drop.

"You were talking about the fucking cat weren't you?" Wonwoo said, Jun had a defensive pout as he picked Aki off the floor, "What! She's a girl and she's a better friend to me than you are."

Wonwoo just sighed, "That doesn't answer either of our questions but I commend you for how you managed to change the topic and simultaneously make Cheol spit his tea onto Jeonghan so well done." He gave Jun a smile, leaving his place around Mingyu's waist and grabbing a newly made sandwich that he gave to Chan who was giggling at the whole ordeal as well as one for himself. Meanwhile Seungcheol was apologising profusely to a less than impressed Jeonghan.

"Looks like we're finally just about back to our regularly scheduled chaos," Soonyoung commented, "Probably not for long though," Jihoon replied, earning a light 'shhh' in return.

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